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what is speech to you vs what is speech for you

Both phrases are correct and can be used interchangeably. They both inquire about someone's perception or understanding of speech. The prepositions 'to' and 'for' can be used in this context without changing the meaning significantly.

Last updated: March 12, 2024 • 753 views

what is speech to you

This phrase is correct and commonly used to inquire about someone's perception or understanding of speech.

This phrase is used to ask someone about their personal view or interpretation of speech, how they perceive it, or what it means to them.


  • What is music to you?
  • What is art to you?
  • What is love to you?
  • What is success to you?
  • What is freedom to you?


  • what does speech mean to you
  • how do you perceive speech
  • what is your understanding of speech
  • what does speech represent to you
  • what role does speech play in your life

what is speech for you

This phrase is correct and can be used to inquire about someone's perception or understanding of speech.

This phrase is used to ask someone about their personal view or interpretation of speech, how they perceive it, or what it means to them.


  • What is music for you?
  • What is art for you?
  • What is love for you?
  • What is success for you?
  • What is freedom for you?
  • If the child is not likely to understand the word "stuttering" we ask "What is speech for you?" or "What is it like when words don't come out easily." The neutral probing is important. If we, as adults, try to facilitate the emotional expression for the ...
  • ClosingCeremonyのあとは、What is speech for you? というタイトルでスピーカー、 スピセク員のそれぞれが書いた思いをムービーにして流してくれました。なかなか スピーカーの思いや運営スタッフのそういった思いを聞くことがないので、おもしろいなぁ と思い ...


  • what does speech mean for you
  • how do you perceive speech
  • what is your understanding of speech
  • what does speech represent for you
  • what role does speech play in your life

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