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weighing vs weighting

Both 'weighing' and 'weighting' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Weighing' is the correct term when referring to measuring the weight of something, while 'weighting' is used in the context of assigning a value or importance to different factors.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1452 views


This is correct when referring to measuring the weight of something.

Use 'weighing' when you are talking about determining the weight of an object or person.


  • The doctor is weighing the baby to check its growth.
  • I will be weighing the ingredients before baking the cake.
  • Adam landed a monster largemouth bass weighing 6.4 pounds.
  • E-readers are continually weighing less, and getting smaller.
  • Main characteristics: Load cell weighing system.
  • Each individual weighing range is classified according to point 3.1.
  • (PM filter post-conditioning and total weighing procedures).
  • Unfortunately the return weighing scored 2 pounds.
  • The partial weighing ranges are classified according to Table 2.
  • The gift box contains thirty chocolates weighing over 500 grams.
  • Platforms with rollers and weighing system.
  • The integration of weighing systems is another option.
  • Small balance for weighing precious stones.
  • Scale Manufacturing We are all familiar with everyday weighing technology applications.
  • The weighing cycle is completed manually.
  • Continuous weighing system equipped with loading cells.
  • It's like a curse weighing on an entire landscape.
  • Over 5,000 fertilized eggs weighing in at just under 900 kilos.
  • High-precision weighing with minimal toleranceASPAWAAG introduces a new era in weighing asparagus.
  • High-performance weighing system for precise weighing data
  • A wide range of application programmes and interfaces make these suitable for many industrial and commercial weighing applications such as platform scales, mobile weighing, etc...
  • Fast development and progress is seen in the group of dynamic scales - for individual weighing and weighing systems with option of connecting to a computer.


  • measuring the weight of
  • determining the weight of
  • checking the weight of
  • evaluating the weight of
  • assessing the weight of


This is correct when referring to assigning a value or importance to different factors.

Use 'weighting' when you are talking about giving relative importance to various elements in a calculation or decision-making process.


  • The survey results were adjusted by weighting responses based on demographics.
  • The final grade is calculated by weighting different assignments and exams.
  • Assigning a weighting to each individual criterion is impractical and too mathematical.
  • The particulates shall be collected on a single suitable filter in proportion to the weighting factors of each mode.
  • In my opinion, the correct weighting should be given to European production.
  • Each category shall receive an equal weighting and shall consist of quantifiable indicators.
  • Risk weighting and prohibition of qualifying holdings outside the financial sector
  • The weighting factors (WF) are given for reference only.
  • However a correct weighting mechanism must be promoted so that an agreement in Copenhagen may be reached.
  • Amounts below the thresholds for deduction (before risk weighting)
  • Member States shall be responsible for data checking, error correction, imputation and weighting.
  • The normalised results shall not be aggregated as this implicitly applies weighting.
  • The new weighting system is impossible to remember, even for ministers.
  • After each revision the Commission shall communicate the revised weighting coefficients to the Member States.
  • That weighting may be expressed as a range with an appropriate maximum spread.
  • The precise weighting is yet to be determined by the French authorities after market consultation.
  • Wfactor = weighting factor HEXCI. = hurdle.
  • The weighting may reflect the shares of the different fuels in electricity production in the Member State concerned.
  • Loans for property development are excluded from this 50 % weighting.
  • The contracting authorities should therefore indicate at the start of the procedure the relative weighting given to each of these criteria.
  • Criteria representing the most economically advantageous tender as well as their weighting in restricted and negotiated procedures.
  • Basically, it means that the small groupings are repeatedly given a much greater weighting.


  • assigning importance to
  • giving weight to
  • considering the importance of
  • evaluating the significance of
  • prioritizing

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