Which one is correct?
"we have been processed" or "we have processed"?

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we have been processed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. It is in the passive voice, indicating that someone or something has acted upon 'we.'

This phrase is used when 'we' have been the object of a process or action performed by someone or something else. It emphasizes the action done to 'we.'


  • After the paperwork was completed, we have been processed by the immigration office.
  • The data has been processed by the computer system.
  • The raw materials have been processed into finished products.


  • We have been through the processing.
  • We have been handled.
  • We have been dealt with.
  • We have been taken care of.
  • We have been managed.

we have processed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. It is in the active voice, indicating that 'we' have done the processing.

This phrase is used when 'we' have performed a process or action on something or someone else. It emphasizes the action done by 'we.'


  • We have processed all the applications received this week.
  • The team has processed the data and is ready to present the results.
  • We have processed the information and are now ready to make a decision.


  • We have completed the processing.
  • We have finished processing.
  • We have handled the processing.
  • We have dealt with the processing.
  • We have managed the processing.
Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and are used in different contexts. 'We have been processed' is in the passive voice, indicating that someone or something has acted upon 'we.' On the other hand, 'We have processed' is in the active voice, indicating that 'we' have done the processing. The choice between the two depends on whether you want to emphasize who did the processing.

Last Updated: March 22, 2024

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