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way more efficient vs far more efficient

Both 'way more efficient' and 'far more efficient' are correct and commonly used phrases in English. They are interchangeable and convey the same meaning of something being significantly more efficient than another. The choice between them is a matter of personal preference or style.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 3647 views

way more efficient

This phrase is correct and commonly used in informal contexts to express that something is significantly more efficient than another.

This phrase is informal and is often used in casual conversations or informal writing to emphasize a large difference in efficiency.


  • This new software is way more efficient than the old one.
  • She found a way more efficient method to solve the problem.
  • Besides, that baby is way more efficient than the manual kind.
  • Made our whole operation way more efficient.
  • No, but this poison is similar, but way more efficient.
  • Tony felt this way was more efficient.
  • I think his way is more efficient.
  • He's developed a more efficient way to enrich plutonium.
  • Perhaps our leaders feel it's a more efficient way of distinguishing us.
  • There has to be a more efficient way.
  • It's a more efficient way of tapping the energy in the fuel.
  • I know you're contemplating more efficient ways to do it.
  • There are more efficient ways to find the truth.
  • The more efficient way of data collection aims at reducing the burden on enterprises.
  • I welcome Mr Böge's report because it also indicates areas where changes and improvements are needed, thereby paving the way for a more efficient European Union.
  • For achieving the goal 'Proof of Concept' in a more efficient way and reducing costs the open standard JavaMail API is however chosen for prototyping DNA data exchange.
  • This implies that the competence of personnel working in this area must be monitored in a more efficient way.
  • The Rapporteur reinstates his view that all institutions should improve the rationality of spending by using the available appropriations in a more efficient way concentrating on their core activities.
  • Producers are incentivised to design electrical and electronic equipment in an environmentally more efficient way, while taking waste management aspects fully into account.
  • Or we could use a slightly faster, more efficient way of reaching somebody.
  • Self-standing electrical motors allowed machines, the workers operating them, and their activities all to be reorganized in more efficient ways.
  • ECU 15 million for investigating more efficient ways of removing land-mines is clearly a good idea.


  • much more efficient
  • significantly more efficient
  • vastly more efficient
  • considerably more efficient
  • substantially more efficient

far more efficient

This phrase is correct and commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to convey a significant increase in efficiency.

This phrase can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations to formal writing, to emphasize a notable difference in efficiency.


  • The new system is far more efficient than the previous one.
  • The updated process is far more efficient and saves time.
  • They're far more efficient in terms of energy.
  • So there's all of this complexity in our natural systems, but they're extremely efficient, far more efficient than anything we can build, far more complex than anything we can build.
  • A world without lies would be far more efficient.
  • If theft was intended it would be far more efficient to steal the station themselves as opposed to siphoning them one by one.
  • On the one hand, it will need a far more efficient decision-making system, one that is of a political and no longer diplomatic order.
  • I believe that it would be far more efficient to restructure the existing agencies, including those agencies that deal directly with issues related to mental health.
  • But it's far more efficient if we split up.
  • This is far more efficient and certainly cheaper.
  • These are primarily the most important government bodies, but also education and health care could become far more efficient by using the new technologies.
  • The transition from analogue to digital broadcasting is a fundamental priority of EU audiovisual policy, given the far more efficient use of the radioelectric spectrum made possible by digital technology.
  • Where our own policy is concerned, we need to adjust the economic regulations so that we provide sufficient positive incentives for the far more efficient management of energy and materials.
  • I'm told that they're far more efficient now
  • It would be far more efficient to use biomass directly to produce electrical energy or heating, or for maritime or urban public transport.
  • As the proposal for a Regulation foresees the adoption of far more efficient enforcement rules in the field of air transport between the EC and third countries, I recommend to approve the amended proposal.
  • The team, fashioned from adversity, has become a far more efficient model than the one which arrived here amid extravagant headlines.


  • much more efficient
  • significantly more efficient
  • vastly more efficient
  • considerably more efficient
  • substantially more efficient

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