Which is correct:
"watch him on the job" or "watch him at work"?

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watch him on the job

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to mean observing someone while they are working.

This phrase is used to indicate observing someone while they are performing their job or work-related tasks.


  • I like to watch him on the job to see how he handles different situations.
  • It's interesting to watch her on the job and learn from her techniques.
  • The documentary crew was allowed to watch the firefighters on the job.
  • He asked if he could watch the chef on the job to pick up some cooking tips.
  • The students were encouraged to watch the professionals on the job to gain practical experience.


  • observe him working
  • see him in action
  • watch him perform his duties
  • observe him carrying out his tasks
  • watch him while he works

watch him at work

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to mean observing someone while they are working.

This phrase is used to indicate observing someone while they are performing their job or work-related tasks.


  • I like to watch him at work to see how he handles different tasks.
  • It's fascinating to watch her at work and see her creative process.
  • The manager allowed us to watch the employees at work to understand their roles better.
  • She asked if she could watch the artist at work to gain inspiration.
  • The students were excited to watch the scientists at work in the lab.


  • observe him working
  • see him in action
  • watch him perform his duties
  • observe him carrying out his tasks
  • watch him while he works
Both phrases are correct and commonly used in English. They convey a similar meaning of observing someone while they are working. The choice between 'watch him on the job' and 'watch him at work' depends on personal preference or the specific context in which they are used.

Last updated: March 21, 2024

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