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wash the dishes vs do the dishes

Both 'wash the dishes' and 'do the dishes' are correct and commonly used phrases in English. They are interchangeable and mean the same thing, which is to clean the dishes after a meal. There is no significant difference in meaning or usage between the two phrases.

Last updated: September 22, 2024 • 1481 views

wash the dishes

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the act of cleaning dishes, typically after a meal. It is a common household chore.


  • I'll wash the dishes if you dry them.
  • She washes the dishes every evening after dinner.
  • Who is going to wash the dishes tonight?
  • Please remember to wash the dishes before you go to bed.
  • It's your turn to wash the dishes.
  • Mar 12, 2020 ... How to wash the dishes, and wash them well. Think of dishwashing as an opportunity for review: Do you need better pasta bowls? Was the broccoli ...
  • Sep 23, 2013 ... Are there any difference in the meaning between do/wash the dishes? Are they used in different situations or ...
  • This can contain the water from the faucet, and wash the dishes. To dispose of, lift it up and tip it down a laundry sink or the shower/bath drain.
  • May 29, 2014 ... I ´ve always used " wash the dishes" but I´d like to know if clean is OK, too. patsyarmando.


  • do the dishes
  • clean the dishes
  • dishes need washing
  • wash up
  • clean up after dinner

do the dishes

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the task of cleaning dishes, usually after a meal. It is a common household chore.


  • Can you do the dishes tonight?
  • I hate doing the dishes after a big dinner.
  • Who usually does the dishes in your house?
  • It's your turn to do the dishes.
  • Let's take turns doing the dishes.
  • Sep 23, 2013 ... Note how in the latter example 'do' is used as a noun to mean 'party/event', and is very colloquial. Oi Pete, can you do the dishes? [informal].
  • Wash the plates, glasses, and silverware used at a meal. For example, If you walk the dog, I'll do the dishes.
  • Apr 10, 2022 ... Almost every lyric site I've looked at says “Supestar don't do the dishes”, but I'm pretty sure the line is “Superstar go do the dishes”.
  • Apr 6, 2016 ... But no-one wants to do the dishes. Frankly, I love the idea of justice much more than the practice. Or as Mother Teresa puts it, "Today, it ...
  • Jun 10, 2016 ... I make excuses, which makes my father very upset. What do I do? How can I build the will to do the dishes? I can do the laundry, wash the car, ...
  • Jul 5, 2019 ... I want to talk about doing the dishes and what happens when a wife asks her husband to do the dishes (or when the dynamic is reversed). The ...
  • Jan 28, 2023 ... My mom always told me to do the dishes when I would babysit for people, and I agree, any mess made should be cleaned up. My issue is, almost ...
  • Oct 20, 2023 ... She hosted lavish feasts—this phrase not an exaggeration—in her studio apartment, and would not let a single guest do the dishes, not even her ...
  • May 3, 2023 ... I don't get why she didn't make Dennis do the dishes, when Dennis was annoying her the whole time. I really thought she'd pick him to shove ...


  • wash the dishes
  • clean the dishes
  • dishes need washing
  • wash up
  • clean up after dinner

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