Which is correct:
"volume of booking" or "volume of guest"?

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volume of booking

This phrase is correct and commonly used in the context of hospitality or travel industries to refer to the number or amount of bookings made.

This phrase is used to quantify the number or amount of bookings made for a particular period or service.


  • The hotel experienced a high volume of booking during the holiday season.
  • The online travel agency saw a significant increase in the volume of booking after launching a new promotion.
  • The volume of booking for the conference exceeded expectations.
  • Analyzing the volume of booking can help businesses forecast demand and plan resources.
  • The volume of booking for the event venue was lower than anticipated.


  • booking volume
  • number of bookings
  • booking quantity
  • booking volume level
  • booking volume rate

volume of guest

This phrase is correct and commonly used in the context of hospitality or travel industries to refer to the number or amount of guests.

This phrase is used to quantify the number or amount of guests staying at a hotel, attending an event, or using a service.


  • The hotel reached its maximum capacity due to a high volume of guest during the summer.
  • The conference center can accommodate a large volume of guest for corporate events.
  • The restaurant experienced a decrease in the volume of guest after changing its menu.
  • Analyzing the volume of guest can help businesses optimize services and facilities.
  • The volume of guest for the wedding reception was higher than expected.


  • guest volume
  • number of guests
  • guest quantity
  • guest volume level
  • guest volume rate
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Volume of booking' refers to the number or amount of bookings made, while 'volume of guest' refers to the number or amount of guests. They are not directly comparable as they represent different aspects of a hospitality business.

Last updated: March 30, 2024

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