Which one is correct?
"to maintain the output" or "violate this constraint"?

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to maintain the output

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to the action of keeping something at a certain level or quality.

This phrase is used when the goal is to ensure that the output remains consistent, stable, or at a desired level. It implies the act of preserving or upholding a particular standard.


  • We need to maintain the output quality to satisfy our customers.
  • The team worked hard to maintain the output despite the challenges.
  • It is crucial to maintain the output levels for the project to succeed.
  • The system is designed to automatically maintain the output within a specific range.
  • The company's main focus is to maintain the output while reducing costs.


  • keep the result
  • sustain the outcome
  • preserve the performance
  • uphold the standard
  • ensure the production

violate this constraint

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to breaking a rule or restriction.

This phrase is used when someone is not following a specific rule, requirement, or limitation. It implies going against what is expected or allowed.


  • Please do not violate this constraint as it is crucial for the experiment.
  • The software will not allow you to violate this constraint.
  • It is important to understand the consequences of violating this constraint.
  • The team decided to violate this constraint in order to meet the deadline.
  • The students were warned not to violate this constraint during the test.


  • break this rule
  • disregard this limitation
  • ignore this requirement
  • go against this guideline
  • breach this restriction
The two phrases are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes. 'Violate this constraint' is used when referring to breaking a rule or restriction, while 'to maintain the output' is used to describe the action of keeping something at a certain level or quality. They are both correct in their respective contexts.

Last Updated: March 17, 2024

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