various size of bits or different size of bits?

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various size of bits

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate multiple sizes of bits.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where there are multiple sizes of bits available or being discussed.


  • The store offers various sizes of bits for different types of screws.
  • The toolkit includes various sizes of bits for various tasks.
  • We need to consider various sizes of bits for the project.


  • various sizes of bits
  • different sizes of bits
  • a variety of bit sizes
  • several sizes of bits
  • multiple sizes of bits

different size of bits

This phrase is correct and commonly used to compare specific sizes of bits.

This phrase is used when comparing specific sizes of bits, implying a contrast between them.


  • The two drills require different sizes of bits.
  • We need to use different sizes of bits for the various materials.
  • The project calls for different sizes of bits for different tasks.


  • different sizes of bits
  • varying sizes of bits
  • diverse sizes of bits
  • assorted sizes of bits
  • a range of bit sizes
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Various size of bits' implies that there are multiple sizes of bits, while 'different size of bits' suggests a comparison between two or more specific sizes. The choice between them depends on the intended meaning.

Last updated: March 21, 2024

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