Which one is correct?
"varied little" or "varied a little"?

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varied little

This phrase is correct and used to indicate that there was not much change or variation in something.

This phrase is used to convey that there was minimal variation or change in something, implying a lack of significant difference.


  • The test scores varied little from one student to another.
  • The prices of the products varied little over the years.
  • Her routine varied little from day to day.


  • showed minimal variation
  • changed insignificantly
  • remained largely the same
  • exhibited little difference
  • had minimal fluctuation

varied a little

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate a small or slight change in something.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where there is a small amount of variation or change in something.


  • The flavor of the soup varied a little depending on the chef.
  • Her mood varied a little throughout the day.
  • The temperature outside varied a little from morning to evening.


  • changed slightly
  • fluctuated a bit
  • shifted a little
  • differed slightly
  • showed a small variation
Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings. 'Varied a little' means that something changed slightly or to a small extent, while 'varied little' implies that there was not much change or variation. The choice between the two depends on the intended meaning.

Last Updated: March 21, 2024

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