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vague issues vs vague issues about

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Vague issues' is used when referring to general or unspecified problems, while 'vague issues about' is used when specifying the subject or topic of the vague issues.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 885 views

vague issues

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to general or unspecified problems or concerns.


  • The report highlighted some vague issues that need further investigation.
  • She mentioned vague issues with the project, but didn't provide details.
  • Draft Implementation Rule Addresses Vague Issues in the Labor Contract Law. July 2015. A draft Implementation Rule (“Draft Rule”) recently exposed reveals ...
  • Sep 14, 2012 ... Before you get too many (busy) people involved, is there something you can do to focus such vague issues? One could ask: “What is the 20 ...
  • Client can't find a Specific Event Client can't isolate one event out of many similar circumstances. Client presents vague issues. Client reports "feeling worse"
  • Mar 5, 2012 ... SMART-Car [Build:1999], vague issues... not sure what the cause is. smartlapus. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 77. Loading... Loading.


  • unclear problems
  • ambiguous concerns
  • indefinite issues
  • obscure matters
  • indistinct problems

vague issues about

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English. It is used when specifying the subject or topic of the vague issues.

This phrase is used when specifying the subject or topic of the vague issues being discussed.


  • There are vague issues about the new policy that need clarification.
  • She raised vague issues about the company's financial situation.
  • Mar 17, 2015 ... There were vague issues about dealing with roads off Highway 19 or off Highway 1.” Trevena also said most of the information in the report was ...
  • Apr 7, 2015 ... Artem Tolkachev, Artem Kozlyuk and Pavel Rassudov together with the moderator Maria Lepshchikova uncovered many vague issues about ...
  • Barzilay to produce a clean, correct, and open implementation, are invaluable. Many vague issues about music structures were clarrified as a result. R eferences.
  • love, about sympathies and all those other vague issues about where the gulf lies be- tween deep philosophical thought and meaningless measurements and ...


  • unclear issues regarding
  • ambiguous concerns about
  • indefinite problems with
  • obscure matters concerning
  • indistinct issues about

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