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using the above attachment form vs using the above attached form

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Using the above attachment form' is correct when referring to a form that serves as an attachment, while 'Using the above attached form' is correct when referring to a form that has already been attached.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 572 views

using the above attachment form

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a form that serves as an attachment.

This phrase is used when you are referring to a form that is meant to be attached to something else, such as an email or a document.


  • Please complete the information using the above attachment form.
  • You can find the necessary details in the above attachment form.
  • Calculations using the above laws to find resistance, voltage and current;
  • Drying using the above methods is a human influence which requires good practical knowledge of how the batch of beans concerned will be affected.
  • monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of policy measures using the above-mentioned indicators;
  • As an alternative to using the above rule, other appropriate methods, including measurements, may be used to determine SOC.
  • The characteristic that was measured must be specified on the assay certificate using the above-defined symbols only.
  • The system using the above labels should be reviewed by 31 December 2006 to take into account the experiences gained.
  • The assessment of cell viability using the above methods is a relative measurement that does not necessarily exhibit linear relationships with the absolute number of cells in a well.
  • Enter the address or URL that should be excluded from using the above proxy settings:
  • The above distances can be disregarded if there is sufficient protection from any undesirable foreign pollinator. No isolation is necessary between seed crops using the same pollinator.
  • Using the above as a basis, the Commission plans to consult the social partners in the course of 2004 on the possible direction of Community action in this field.
  • Third, and linked to the above, HPC might increase EDF's profitability by allowing it to lower its hedging costs, in particular if the supplier were able to 'net off' internal trading positions using the vast and stable output provided by HPC.
  • The above calculation shall be made at the end of the preceding financial year using the amount of the relevant indicator assigned to the areas to which the AMA will be rolled out as defined in Article 316 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.
  • The above is an example of matching positions using regular expressions. Similar, the position end-of-line can be matched using the character $(i. e. a dollar sign).
  • Carry out focusing using the above conditions, carefully removing the sample applicators after the 60 minutes of sample focusing.
  • According to the submissions of the Hungarian authorities [22], the annex to the PPAs concerning price definition was drawn up using the formulae and definitions of the above-mentioned Government Decree 1074/1995 on electricity price regulation.
  • ESS analysis result means a DNA analysis result built up using the above mentioned DNA markers which are part of the ESS.
  • The Member States shall adjust, if necessary, the amount of value added included in their GDP and GNP estimates made in accordance with Directive 89/130/EEC, Euratom by adding to it the value, calculated using the above formula, of evasion 'without complicity'.
  • If it is impossible or inappropriate to operate the engine under net conditions, the dynamometer settings shall be corrected to net conditions using the above formula.
  • Using the above steps, calculate the maximum allowable defect depth and length which shall not cause the failure of the cylinder during the design life due to either fatigue or rupture.
  • The impactor mass may be adjusted from the calculated value by up to ± 10 %, provided the required impact velocity is also changed using the above formula to maintain the required impactor kinetic energy.


  • using the form attached above
  • using the form provided as an attachment
  • using the attached form above
  • using the form that is attached above
  • using the form that is provided as an attachment

using the above attached form

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a form that has already been attached.

This phrase is used when you are referring to a form that has been attached to something else, such as an email or a document.


  • Please complete the information using the above attached form.
  • You can find the necessary details in the above attached form.
  • Calculations using the above laws to find resistance, voltage and current;
  • Drying using the above methods is a human influence which requires good practical knowledge of how the batch of beans concerned will be affected.
  • monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of policy measures using the above-mentioned indicators;
  • As an alternative to using the above rule, other appropriate methods, including measurements, may be used to determine SOC.
  • The characteristic that was measured must be specified on the assay certificate using the above-defined symbols only.
  • The system using the above labels should be reviewed by 31 December 2006 to take into account the experiences gained.
  • The assessment of cell viability using the above methods is a relative measurement that does not necessarily exhibit linear relationships with the absolute number of cells in a well.
  • Enter the address or URL that should be excluded from using the above proxy settings:
  • The above distances can be disregarded if there is sufficient protection from any undesirable foreign pollinator. No isolation is necessary between seed crops using the same pollinator.
  • Using the above as a basis, the Commission plans to consult the social partners in the course of 2004 on the possible direction of Community action in this field.
  • Third, and linked to the above, HPC might increase EDF's profitability by allowing it to lower its hedging costs, in particular if the supplier were able to 'net off' internal trading positions using the vast and stable output provided by HPC.
  • The above calculation shall be made at the end of the preceding financial year using the amount of the relevant indicator assigned to the areas to which the AMA will be rolled out as defined in Article 316 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.
  • The above is an example of matching positions using regular expressions. Similar, the position end-of-line can be matched using the character $(i. e. a dollar sign).
  • Carry out focusing using the above conditions, carefully removing the sample applicators after the 60 minutes of sample focusing.
  • According to the submissions of the Hungarian authorities [22], the annex to the PPAs concerning price definition was drawn up using the formulae and definitions of the above-mentioned Government Decree 1074/1995 on electricity price regulation.
  • ESS analysis result means a DNA analysis result built up using the above mentioned DNA markers which are part of the ESS.
  • The Member States shall adjust, if necessary, the amount of value added included in their GDP and GNP estimates made in accordance with Directive 89/130/EEC, Euratom by adding to it the value, calculated using the above formula, of evasion 'without complicity'.
  • If it is impossible or inappropriate to operate the engine under net conditions, the dynamometer settings shall be corrected to net conditions using the above formula.
  • Using the above steps, calculate the maximum allowable defect depth and length which shall not cause the failure of the cylinder during the design life due to either fatigue or rupture.
  • The impactor mass may be adjusted from the calculated value by up to ± 10 %, provided the required impact velocity is also changed using the above formula to maintain the required impactor kinetic energy.


  • using the form that is attached above
  • using the form that has been attached above
  • using the form that is provided as an attachment
  • using the form that has been provided as an attachment
  • using the attached form above

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