Which one is correct?
"update" or "upgrade"?

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The word 'update' is correct and commonly used in English.

The term 'update' is used when making something more current or fixing issues. It is commonly used in software, technology, and general contexts.


  • I need to update my phone's software.
  • She updates her blog regularly with new posts.
  • Don't forget to update your address in the system.
  • The news website updates its content every hour.
  • The company decided to update its logo to a more modern design.


  • refresh
  • modernize
  • revise
  • modify
  • patch


The word 'upgrade' is correct and commonly used in English.

The term 'upgrade' is used when improving something by adding new features or capabilities. It is commonly used in technology, products, and services.


  • I want to upgrade my phone to the latest model.
  • They upgraded their software to include new functionalities.
  • The airline upgraded my seat to first class.
  • The company decided to upgrade its infrastructure for better performance.
  • She upgraded her skills by taking advanced courses.


  • enhance
  • improve
  • boost
  • level up
  • advance
The phrases 'update' and 'upgrade' are related but have different meanings and usage. 'Update' is used when referring to making something more current or fixing issues, while 'upgrade' is used when referring to improving something by adding new features or capabilities. They are not interchangeable, as they convey different actions.

Last Updated: March 26, 2024

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