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underneath the hood consists of many parts vs ali showed that underneath the hood consists of many parts

The first phrase, 'Underneath the hood consists of many parts,' is a complete and correct sentence that conveys a general statement. The second phrase, 'Ali showed that underneath the hood consists of many parts,' is also correct but includes the additional context of Ali demonstrating the fact. Both phrases are grammatically accurate, but the second one provides more specific information.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 621 views

underneath the hood consists of many parts

This phrase is correct and can be used to describe the components inside a hood or cover.

This phrase is used to explain the various elements or components that are located beneath a covering or surface.
  • A lot depends on what it's got underneath the hood.
  • We got the back windshield wired to explode, and there's a large charge underneath the hood.
  • A lot depends on what it's got underneath the hood.
  • A lot depends on what it's got underneath the hood.
  • Too bad the Hoods ruined your nickname.
  • Many parts of Europe have environmentally sensitive areas.
  • Like your travels underneath the town.
  • For fingering Vicky underneath the bleachers.
  • We must be underneath the party.
  • For fingering Vicky underneath the bleachers.
  • Underneath the carpet is good hardwood.
  • Places where life could exist underneath the ice.
  • I put a timer underneath the house.
  • The inspection checklist consists of four major parts.
  • The group shall consist of 20 experts.
  • It consists of 8 determination criteria and 12 operative provisions.
  • Stage one consists of contraction and incubation.
  • Matter clearly consists of tiny strings.
  • Operator messages consist of printable ASCII text.
  • A monthly pack consists of 4 individual weekly wallets.

ali showed that underneath the hood consists of many parts

This phrase is correct and provides additional context by mentioning Ali demonstrating the fact.

This phrase is used when you want to specify that someone, in this case Ali, has demonstrated or proven the existence of the components beneath a covering or surface.
  • The surveys showed that underneath the surface of normal life, millions of people, who never before would have been thought of as mentally ill, were secretly living with high levels of mental anxiety.
  • A lot depends on what it's got underneath the hood.
  • What's that underneath the stairs?
  • We got the back windshield wired to explode, and there's a large charge underneath the hood.
  • A lot depends on what it's got underneath the hood.
  • A lot depends on what it's got underneath the hood.
  • The investigation showed that the Community production consists of a large number of producers in the freezing industry which employs around 2700 persons for the production and sales of the product concerned.
  • The investigation showed that the Community production consists of four producers in the prepared or preserved citrus fruits (namely mandarins, etc.) industry, which employs around 2000 workers for the production and sales of the product concerned.
  • Too bad the Hoods ruined your nickname.
  • Like your travels underneath the town.
  • For fingering Vicky underneath the bleachers.
  • We must be underneath the party.
  • For fingering Vicky underneath the bleachers.
  • Underneath the carpet is good hardwood.
  • Places where life could exist underneath the ice.
  • I put a timer underneath the house.
  • I guess they were always like that underneath.
  • Experience showed that command and control measures cannot be effectively implemented.
  • The ensuing market test showed that significant improvements were needed.
  • They showed that something smooth and featureless can develop features.

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