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ultra-fast vs ultrafast

Both "ultra-fast" and "ultrafast" are correct, but the hyphenated version "ultra-fast" is more commonly used in English. The hyphen helps to clarify the compound adjective and make it easier to read and understand.

Last updated: April 09, 2024 • 2107 views


This is a correct and commonly used compound adjective in English.

The hyphenated form "ultra-fast" is used to describe something that is extremely fast or high-speed.
  • Public investment through financial instruments in fast and ultra-fast broadband networks must not lead to market distortions or create disincentives to invest.
  • Consequently, it is essential to stimulate, in accordance with the principle of technological neutrality, Union-wide deployment of fast and ultra-fast broadband networks and to facilitate the development and deployment of trans-European digital services.
  • K. whereas the Digital Agenda for Europe sets reasonable performance targets for high-speed and ultra-fast broadband coverage and for e-commerce take-up,
  • whereas the Digital Agenda for Europe sets reasonable performance targets for high-speed and ultra-fast broadband coverage and for e-commerce take-up,
  • As part of the digital strategy, it has been decided that every European ought to have access to basic broadband by 2013, and to fast and ultra-fast broadband by 2020.
  • Support should therefore be granted to operations with that aim, including access to Information and Communication Technologies and the development of fast and ultra-fast broadband.
  • the market situation is not evolving towards the achievement of a competitive provision of ultra-fast services [126] above 100 Mbps in the near future by the investment plans of commercial operators in accordance with (59) to (61);
  • Supports the Commission's work with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to improve funding of fast and ultra-fast networks, and emphasises the need for such funding to be directed towards open infrastructure projects supporting a diversity of services;
  • Shea Neary, an ultra-fast starter.


  • extremely fast
  • high-speed


This is a correct compound adjective in English, but it is less common than the hyphenated form.

The closed form "ultrafast" can also be used to describe something that is extremely fast or high-speed.
  • Feb 12, 2024 ... The meaning of ULTRAFAST is extremely or extraordinarily fast. How to use ultrafast in a sentence.
  • Ultrafast, Single-Event Ptychographic Imaging of Transient Electron Dynamics ... Dynamic phenomena occurring on the ultrafast time scales are inherently difficult ...
  • In optics, an ultrashort pulse, also known as an ultrafast event, is an electromagnetic pulse whose time duration is of the order of a picosecond (10−12 ...
  • Aug 10, 2020 ... An ultrafast band-gap collapse upon high density (>1% of valence electrons or ~1021 cm−3) excitation is predicted in Te, which is not possible ...


  • extremely fast
  • high-speed

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