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training programs at the office vs training programs in the office

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Training programs at the office' implies that the training programs are conducted within the physical premises of the office, while 'training programs in the office' suggests that the programs are related to the office environment but may not necessarily take place physically within the office.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 505 views

training programs at the office

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to training programs that take place within the physical premises of the office.

This phrase is used to indicate that the training programs are conducted at the office location.


  • We have scheduled several training programs at the office for the new employees.
  • The company offers various training programs at the office to enhance employee skills.
  • This summer I did the minority Executive training program at Yale.
  • Apart from that, I spent half a year in a training program at the International Monetary Fund.
  • Franco REVELLI, Head of multimedias, broadcasting and training programs at CMCA
  • Although the map does not officially reflect Pentagon doctrine, it has been used in a training program at NATO's Defense Collegefor senior military officers.
  • Hoyt used an assumed name to get into a combat medic training program at Fort Stewart.
  • Here's what I'm thinking - Piersahl and Shaffner were recruited into Haspel Corp's training program at the same time.
  • As part of this strategy over recent decades, the accused systematically removed from the training programs at medical schools the knoeledfge about effective, but non-patentable natural therapies.
  • ▷ ENGEL seminars | education & training programs at ENGEL
  • She was Artist in Residence for the 2017-18 Training Program at Tate Britain and Tate Modern, but only a few days ago she resigned to protest against invisible inequalities within the institution.
  • The national units shall preferably be headed by the official directly responsible for the development and implementation of training programs at national level, or a person with equivalent competences and responsibilities.
  • During December 2003 and December 2004 we conducted three training programs at the Redcliffe library for local patrons as well as some of the local volunteer workers within the area.
  • Other courses, including Advanced courses, as well as customized and on-site training programs are on a fee-paid basis. Contact your local Cognex sales office for more information on custom training programs.
  • Are you looking for a vocational training or an internship? No matter what career you choose, a vocational training program at Dematic is an excellent foundation for a successful professional future.We also provide internships for further professional orientation in many administrative and industrial fields.
  • I suggest you contact my outreach program at the offices -
  • The Commission will maintain its substantial training program.
  • Synthesize the courseware into a viable training program.
  • Sense Arena created a hockey training program specifically for CES.
  • The committee report issued several recommendations including job-training programs and public works.
  • Increasing employees' competence by specialized training programs.
  • Training program requires intense interaction between presenters/facilitators and participants.


  • training programs in the office building
  • training programs on-site
  • training programs held at the office
  • office-based training programs
  • in-house training programs

training programs in the office

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to training programs that are related to the office environment, even if they may not physically take place within the office.

This phrase is used to indicate that the training programs are associated with the office setting, whether they are conducted on-site or remotely.


  • We are implementing new training programs in the office to improve productivity.
  • The HR department is organizing training programs in the office for all staff members.
  • School Training Programs in conjunction with the Queensland Police
  • Adequacy of the existing educational and/or training programs in the field of Biodiesel.
  • Gunnery Sergeant Wooten has led dozens of Marine Corps Martial Arts training programs in Quantico.
  • You know, the company is offering a design training program in New York.
  • A guy I know runs a jobs training program in Hyde Park.
  • You know, the company is offering a design training program in New York.
  • Kan: You can ask Zilin, who completed a month-long training program in New York, along with other candidates.
  • These accords also included training programs in which members of your military traveled to other worlds to discover how time travel and teleportation operate.
  • Network of Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions (TEPHINET)
  • Normally, training programs in fashion designing schools are created ideally to put challenge on the students by integrating both theoretical and technical means of learning to produce creative and artistic designs.
  • The Johannes Gutenberg-school students attend, who are entitled to a special education training program in the funding priority learning.
  • Another need met by the project is that to improve cooperation among schools organizing training programs in healthcare education, to exchange good practice and to learn from each other.
  • Recognizing that clinical emergency situations are frequently perceived as exteremely challenging and threatening by core medical personnel, had doctors at St Mary's Hospital develop an in situ training program in the management of critical illness in infants.
  • Besides wide-range entertainment options, the Life Fitness Platinum Club Series Discover SE Recumbent Bike offers you 27 well-thought out training programs in the following versions:
  • Concentrate on creating a workable schedule for your time during training, and communicate with your instructors about whatever issue you might have with the automotive training program in which you are enrolled.
  • He is Professor of Haematology at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele Medical School, and Director of the Clinical Training Program in Haematology.
  • June 18 - ANERA initiated the training program in 2010 with eight teachers and two supervisors from two preschools in Bethlehem and 12 teachers from Nablus.
  • providing our Staff with modern and responsive training programs in order to meet the increasingly complex requirements of our Clients.
  • There is an aggressive training program in place at one of Americas largest car manufacturing companies that is preparing their technicians to repair the growing styles and variations of hybrid cars that are emerging onto the automobile market.
  • Developing sample fertility awareness training programs suitable to different target groups, that can be used to implement programs in different European countries.


  • office-related training programs
  • training programs for office staff
  • training programs connected to the office
  • training programs focusing on office skills
  • office environment training programs

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