Which one is correct?
"to provide clarity" or "to provide clarification"?

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to provide clarity

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when someone wants to make a situation, statement, or concept clear and easily understood.


  • The presentation aims to provide clarity on the new company policies.
  • Her explanation helped to provide clarity on the complex issue.
  • The teacher's feedback provided clarity on how to improve the essay.
  • The diagram was included to provide clarity on the assembly process.
  • The additional information was necessary to provide clarity on the project timeline.


  • to offer clarity
  • to give clarity
  • to bring clarity
  • to ensure clarity
  • to establish clarity

to provide clarification

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when someone wants to make a statement or situation clearer by explaining it in more detail.


  • The manager provided clarification on the new policy changes.
  • Could you please provide clarification on the instructions for the project?
  • The article aims to provide clarification on the scientific findings.
  • The spokesperson's statement provided much-needed clarification on the issue.
  • The meeting was held to provide clarification on the upcoming changes.


  • to offer clarification
  • to give clarification
  • to bring clarification
  • to ensure clarification
  • to establish clarification
Both 'to provide clarity' and 'to provide clarification' are correct phrases in English. They are interchangeable and can be used to convey the idea of making something clear or understandable.

Last Updated: March 24, 2024

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