Which is correct:
"to keep the room clean" or "to maintain the scale balanced"?

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to keep the room clean

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to the act of maintaining cleanliness and tidiness in a room.

This phrase is used when talking about the action of ensuring that a room remains free from dirt, clutter, or mess.


  • Remember to keep the room clean by picking up after yourself.
  • She always makes an effort to keep the room clean and organized.
  • One of the house rules is to keep the room clean at all times.
  • It's important to keep the room clean to prevent the spread of germs.
  • I try to keep the room clean by dusting and vacuuming regularly.


  • to maintain cleanliness in the room
  • to ensure the room stays clean
  • to uphold the cleanliness of the room
  • to preserve the cleanliness of the room
  • to sustain a clean environment in the room

to maintain the scale balanced

This phrase is correct and is used in situations where balance or equilibrium needs to be preserved, often in a more abstract or metaphorical context.

This phrase is typically used when talking about keeping a scale or equilibrium in balance, either literally or metaphorically.


  • It's important to maintain the scale balanced in our decision-making process.
  • She always strives to maintain the scale balanced between work and personal life.
  • The key to success is to maintain the scale balanced between ambition and contentment.
  • In negotiations, it's crucial to maintain the scale balanced to reach a fair agreement.
  • The challenge is to maintain the scale balanced between freedom and responsibility.


  • to keep the balance
  • to ensure equilibrium
  • to preserve the equilibrium
  • to uphold balance
  • to sustain equilibrium
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'To keep the room clean' is used when referring to cleanliness and tidiness, while 'to maintain the scale balanced' is used in a more abstract sense, often in situations where balance or equilibrium needs to be preserved.

Last updated: March 17, 2024

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