Which is correct:
"to keep the room clean" or "let us present the new scheme"?

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to keep the room clean

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express the action of maintaining cleanliness in a room.

This phrase is used to indicate the ongoing action of ensuring that a room remains tidy and free of dirt or clutter.


  • Remember to keep the room clean by picking up after yourself.
  • It's important to keep the room clean to prevent the spread of germs.
  • She always makes an effort to keep the room clean and organized.
  • One way to keep the room clean is to establish a regular cleaning schedule.
  • The housekeeping staff works diligently to keep the rooms clean and welcoming.

let us present the new scheme

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to suggest introducing a new plan or idea.

This phrase is used to propose or suggest the action of presenting a new scheme or plan to others.


  • Let us present the new scheme to the board of directors tomorrow.
  • I think it's time to let us present the new scheme to the team and gather feedback.
  • The marketing team will let us present the new scheme at the upcoming conference.
  • Let us present the new scheme in a clear and concise manner to ensure understanding.
  • The CEO decided to let us present the new scheme at the company-wide meeting.
The two phrases are not directly comparable as they convey different actions. 'To keep the room clean' is about maintaining cleanliness, while 'let us present the new scheme' is about introducing a new plan or idea. Both phrases are correct in their respective contexts.

Last updated: March 17, 2024

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