Which is correct:
"to be continue" or "to be continued"?

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to be continue

This phrase is not grammatically correct in English.

This phrase is incorrect and should not be used.

to be continued

This phrase is grammatically correct and commonly used in English.

Use this phrase to indicate that a story or event will be continued in the future.


  • The suspenseful ending left the audience eagerly waiting for the movie to be continued.
  • The book ended on a cliffhanger, leaving readers excited for the story to be continued in the next installment.
  • Stay tuned for the next episode, as the mystery will be continued.
  • The TV show was so popular that it was decided to be continued for another season.
  • The story was left unfinished, leaving readers wondering if it will ever be continued.
The correct phrase is 'to be continued'. 'To be continue' is not a grammatically correct construction in English. 'To be continued' is commonly used to indicate that a story or event will be continued in the future.

Last updated: February 16, 2024

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