Which one is correct?
"titular title" or "titular namesake"?

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titular title

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

It refers to the name of a position or role, such as 'President' or 'CEO'. It indicates the title associated with a particular role or position.


  • She was promoted to the titular title of Vice President of Marketing.
  • The titular title of 'King' was bestowed upon him after his coronation.
  • In the movie, the character assumed the titular title of 'Captain'.
  • The titular title of 'Mayor' comes with certain responsibilities and powers.
  • He held the titular title of 'Director' for over a decade.


  • official title
  • position title
  • role name
  • job title
  • designation

titular namesake

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

It refers to a person or thing that gives its name to something, such as a character in a book or a place. It indicates that the name is derived from the title or position.


  • The restaurant's titular namesake, Maria's Pasta, is known for its delicious homemade dishes.
  • The company's flagship product, the iPhone, is the titular namesake of the brand.
  • Shakespeare's play 'Romeo and Juliet' has the titular namesake characters.
  • The city of Florence, Italy, is the titular namesake of Florence Nightingale.
  • The novel 'Dracula' has the titular namesake character, Count Dracula.


  • eponymous namesake
  • namesake
  • title character
  • central figure
  • main character
Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and usage. 'Titular namesake' refers to a person or thing that gives its name to something, while 'titular title' refers to the name of a position or role. They are not directly comparable as they convey different concepts.

Last Updated: March 15, 2024

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