Which one is correct?
"Time passes" or "Time passed"?

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Time passes

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe the general concept of time moving forward.

This phrase is used to express the idea that time is continually moving forward or progressing. It is a present tense form that indicates an ongoing process.


  • Time passes quickly when you're having fun.
  • No matter what we do, time passes at the same rate for everyone.
  • Time passes, but memories remain.
  • As time passes, things change.
  • Time passes by so quickly.


  • Time goes by
  • Time moves on
  • Time marches on
  • Time flies
  • Time ticks away

Time passed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that a specific period of time has already gone by.

This phrase is used to refer to a specific point in the past when time had already moved forward. It is a past tense form that indicates a completed action.


  • Time passed quickly while we were on vacation.
  • By the time I realized it, a lot of time had passed.
  • The time passed slowly as we waited for the results.
  • I didn't notice how much time had passed.
  • Time passed by without us even realizing it.


  • Time went by
  • Time elapsed
  • Time slipped away
  • Time flew by
  • Time ticked away
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Time passes' is used to describe a general truth or ongoing process, while 'time passed' is used to indicate that a specific period of time has already gone by.

Last Updated: March 30, 2024

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