Which is correct:
"time differential" or "time differentials"?

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time differential

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

It refers to the difference in time between two events or points in time.


  • The time differential between the two events was only a few seconds.
  • Calculating the time differential between the start and end of the race is crucial.
  • The time differential in time zones can be confusing when traveling.
  • There was a significant time differential between the two meetings.
  • The time differential between the arrivals of the two trains was minimal.


  • time gap
  • time difference
  • temporal discrepancy
  • time discrepancy
  • time interval

time differentials

This phrase is correct but is more commonly used in mathematical or scientific contexts.

It is used to describe the rate of change of time with respect to another variable.


  • The equation involves calculating time differentials to determine the velocity.
  • In calculus, we often work with time differentials to analyze functions.
  • The time differentials in the experiment were crucial for understanding the process.
  • The study focused on analyzing time differentials in the data collected.
  • Understanding time differentials is essential in physics and engineering.


  • time derivatives
  • time rates of change
  • time gradients
  • time slopes
  • time increments
Both 'time differential' and 'time differentials' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Time differential' is used when referring to the difference in time between two events or points in time. On the other hand, 'time differentials' is used in mathematical or scientific contexts to describe the rate of change of time with respect to another variable.

Last updated: April 01, 2024

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