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This could possibly be because stress affects sleep vs This could be possibly because stress affects sleep

Both phrases are similar in meaning, but the correct construction is "this could possibly be because stress affects sleep." The adverb "possibly" should come before the verb "be" in this context.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 563 views

This could possibly be because stress affects sleep

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to suggest a potential reason for something, indicating that stress affecting sleep is a possible explanation.
  • I don't know how this could possibly be any...
  • But I think this could possibly be Mandy Sweeting.
  • The Commission does not wish any additional commitment appropriations for 2007 but, depending on the results, this could possibly be the case for 2008.
  • April, I don't think this could possibly be good for you getting worked up like this.
  • I've made a list of everything this could possibly be about at my end.
  • As one man and one woman, people have reacted to the way this could possibly be interpreted with regard to linguistic and cultural diversity in small Member States.
  • Now, incredible as this sounds, I once met a Papuan man, and I asked him if this could possibly be true.
  • And I always wanted to go back into these mountains, to see if this could possibly be true, as indeed had been reported by the great anthropologist, Reichel-Dolmatoff.
  • This could possibly be done in a standardised way at European level, so that the economic conditions applied by banks are effectively comparable throughout the EU, with a consequent benefit for consumers in terms of choice.
  • Think this could possibly be the hair of the mother?
  • Do you really imagine, even in your wildest dreams, that a girl like this could possibly be interested in an aging, brilliantined stick insect like you?
  • Do you ever stop and think that some of this could possibly be your fault?
  • Does it consider that this could possibly be attributed to price fixing and concerted practices by multinationals and by distribution and supermarket chains?
  • You don't think any of this could possibly be real, do you?
  • The Commission will verify with extreme urgency whether funds could possibly be redeployed.
  • Confidential information shared during technical consultations with Tele Atlas could possibly be passed on to TomTom.
  • The Commission will verify with extreme urgency whether funds could possibly be redeployed.
  • It also acknowledges that further savings could possibly be made on EU administration.
  • I don't understand how Martha could possibly be of any help.
  • Wondering what she could possibly be afraid to tell him.

This could be possibly because stress affects sleep

This phrase is not the standard construction in English.

The adverb "possibly" should be placed before the verb "be" to maintain correct word order.
  • Mmm. Or I could be possibly persuaded to come back to bed, - postpone packing.
  • We have had a work crew in the Sanctuary for a week, and no one has found anything that could be possibly be construed as a body.
  • What could be possibly have to talk about?
  • What could be possibly be bigger than me ruining the chances of my sister getting married?
  • Or I could be possibly persuaded to come back to bed And postpone packing
  • the market for provision of online advertising space that could be possibly further subdivided into markets for search advertising and for non-search advertising,
  • the market for provision of online display ad serving technology that could be possibly further subdivided between provision of such services to advertisers and to publishers.
  • It was mentioned that the source of contamination could be possibly linked to the waste disposal problems in the region of Naples but that investigations were still ongoing to determine with more certainty the precise source of contamination.
  • the market for intermediation in online advertising that could be possibly further subdivided into markets for search advertising intermediation and for non-search advertising intermediation,
  • Stress affects your loyalty to, say.
  • That affects sleep, appetite, digestion, reflexes.
  • Stress affects your hormones and fertility, and then close to 40, the list gets longer... birth defects, autism, crib death.
  • Stress affects more than one in four workers, a figure which seems bound to rise in the future.
  • But the teenagers are more severe, possibly because they were affected first.
  • Possibly because you're very angry and kind of intense right now.
  • Possibly because I insult and humiliate her every chance I get.
  • This is possibly because antibodies against these infections are also present in immunoglobulins.
  • Possibly because she was an infant when she left Vietnam.
  • Possibly because of your monumental narcissism.
  • I think possibly because he, too, is wrong.

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