Which is correct:
"they are bad mouthing" or "they talk behind my back"?

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they are bad mouthing

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that someone is speaking negatively about someone else.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone is saying bad things about another person.


  • I heard they are bad mouthing me behind my back.
  • Stop bad mouthing your colleagues.
  • She was caught bad mouthing her ex-boyfriend.
  • They are always bad mouthing others.
  • He doesn't like it when people are bad mouthing him.


  • They are speaking ill of me.
  • They are saying negative things about me.
  • They are gossiping about me.
  • They are spreading rumors about me.
  • They are maligning me.

they talk behind my back

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe someone saying things about another person when they are not present.

This phrase is used to indicate that someone is speaking negatively about another person in their absence.


  • I don't trust people who talk behind my back.
  • She found out that her friends were talking behind her back.
  • Don't talk behind my back, say it to my face.
  • I heard them talking behind my back.
  • It's hurtful when people talk behind your back.


  • They are gossiping about me.
  • They are spreading rumors about me.
  • They are maligning me.
  • They are bad mouthing me.
  • They are saying negative things about me.
Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'They are bad mouthing' implies that someone is speaking negatively about someone else, while 'they talk behind my back' suggests that someone is saying things about another person when they are not present. The choice between the two depends on the specific context and the nuance you want to convey.

Last updated: March 28, 2024

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