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theoretical basis vs theoretical background

Both 'theoretical basis' and 'theoretical background' are correct phrases that are commonly used in English. They are interchangeable and can be used to refer to the theoretical foundation or framework on which something is built.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 815 views

theoretical basis

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase refers to the theoretical foundation or framework on which something is built. It is often used in academic or research contexts.


  • The research project is built on a solid theoretical basis.
  • The theoretical basis of the study is grounded in cognitive psychology.
  • She explained the theoretical basis of her argument in detail.
  • Boolean logic, formulated in 1854, provided a theoretical basis for digital processing.
  • This is the theoretical basis of the so-called Taylor rule.
  • These findings and practices are notable for providing an empirical discovery of antisepsis, starting some 40 years before Pasteur and Lister began to establish the theoretical basis of this practice.
  • Near-to-nature silviculture and sustainable silviculture: theoretical basis and applicative principles.
  • We're hoping to use your proof as the theoretical basis for building a bridge from a parallel space time to ours.
  • In particular, this communion, which is unity of ideas and wishes with the Supreme Pontiff, It involves a theoretical basis and practical execution.
  • Let us then first the theoretical basis or gnosiological.
  • This is precisely the idea that formed the theoretical basis of social-patriotism.
  • The theoretical basis of today's electricity the still commonly used and accepted Maxwell Equations form.
  • Although homeopathic products have no proven effectiveness and their theoretical basis is senseless, a complete ban is not politically feasible.[Barrett S. Homeopathy: The ultimate fake.
  • The enzyme induction and inhibition data suggest that there is no theoretical basis for anticipating metabolic interactions between fluticasone furoate and the cytochrome P450 mediated metabolism of other compounds at clinically relevant intranasal doses.
  • However, here in Parliament we realised that such a complex system as the soil could only be tackled on a comprehensive and theoretical basis.
  • M: A manifesto that most people at the time called "utopian" but that turned out to be a genuine theoretical basis.
  • What convinced you that this theoretical basis was necessary?
  • Finally, he enclosed the didactic, proposing some teaching methods that were very strict but fit to amateur interpreters, giving the essential theoretical basis to play more complex compositions.
  • However "form" does not mean simple upward development of the ground-plan, but it must be done on a precise theoretical basis.
  • It was like a game but with a more of a theoretical basis...
  • The radical inadequacy of the "synthetic theory", or neo-evolutionism, current theoretical basis of self-evolutionism
  • Contrary to the views of new Keynesian economists working in the neoclassical tradition, post-Keynesians do not accept that the theoretical basis of the market's failure to provide full employment is rigid or sticky prices or wages.
  • We must by all means set up a powerful international women's movement on a clear-cut theoretical basis, he began after greeting me. It is clear that without Marxist theory we cannot have proper practice.


  • theoretical framework
  • theoretical underpinning
  • theoretical foundation
  • theoretical structure
  • theoretical rationale

theoretical background

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase also refers to the theoretical foundation or framework on which something is built. It is often used in academic or research contexts.


  • The theoretical background of the study provides a strong framework for analysis.
  • The project is grounded in a solid theoretical background.
  • She discussed the theoretical background of the research in her presentation.
  • The theoretical background to a film is very important for me, I'm formal in my approach.
  • Building a stable theoretical background and at the same time getting started in practice: the dual education combines business with school or university.
  • Learning activities Beside the theoretical background, which provides trend analysis, the study of the past and present styles and the introduction to different materials will provided to students all the practical tools to design an accessory.
  • Its employees, coming not only from all over Italy, but also from other nations of the world, have a good theoretical background, that the company constantly develops and updates through training sessions and on-the-job training.
  • The Ph.D. aims to provide a very solid advanced training in the area of integrated electronic systems combining both a rigorous theoretical background with a concrete awareness of real applications.
  • previous experience in giving theoretical knowledge instruction and an appropriate theoretical background in the subject on which they will provide theoretical knowledge instruction.
  • This was the first (and only) book solely devoted to the indicator diagram, its theoretical background, and its applications.
  • Thanks to the strong theoretical background of the three speakers, the theme of the historical and contemporary dell'archittura in a particular place like Venice promises to be treated so exciting.
  • Studying the books in this series, many readers have been fascinated by the work of new architects, have seen the results and at the same time analyzed the theoretical background that motivated the research.
  • 3 Ma 31-Oct-17 2 The theoretical background on the theme of innovation and entrepreneurship and the importance of a conscious vision of the role of these phenomena in determining the dynamics of the economy and society.
  • The theoretical background: innovation and entrepreneurship as "complex" phenomenon; their central role in determining the dynamics of economy and society.
  • To explain the theoretical background, we will analyse a member first.
  • For those who want to understand the theoretical background more in detail, read a thorough explanation of the Spiderbeam basics.
  • They are not aware about the fact that any amount of practice in backgammon is entirely useless, without the theoretical background of mathematical probability calculation.
  • You may want to read the additional notes section on more theoretical background.
  • Although Deng provided the theoretical background and the political support to allow economic reform to occur, few of the economic reforms that Deng introduced were originated by Deng himself.
  • The course deals with the theoretical background, methods and tools for the study and research in the field of perinatal psychology.
  • Not only does this give you the theoretical background for your web solution, but it also provides you with a connection to the net and a high-performance web server.
  • The course of lectures will be followed in practical and theoretical background, then health and hygiene legislation concerning food and drink, Diet, Nutrition, food, wine and work to be performed at laboratories in the kitchen.
  • Fabris could also count on a solid theoretical background from his professor at the University of Pisa, the statistician Guglielmo Tagliacarne, author in 1951 - together with Luzatto Fegiz and George Gallup - of the first Italian handbook of market surveys.


  • theoretical framework
  • theoretical underpinning
  • theoretical foundation
  • theoretical structure
  • theoretical rationale

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