Which one is correct?
"next" or "then"?

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The word 'next' is correct and commonly used in English to refer to the event or action that follows immediately after the current one.

Use 'next' to indicate the event or action that comes after the current one in a sequence. It is often used to talk about future actions or steps.


  • First, we will have breakfast. Next, we will go for a walk.
  • She finished her work. Next, she will start on the new project.
  • After the meeting, the team will discuss next steps.


  • then
  • after that
  • following that
  • subsequently
  • in that case


The word 'then' is correct and commonly used in English to indicate a sequence of events or actions.

Use 'then' to show the order of events or actions in a sequence. It is often used to connect two clauses or sentences to show what happens next.


  • I woke up, then I brushed my teeth.
  • She finished her homework, then she went to bed.
  • If you study hard, then you will pass the exam.


  • after that
  • subsequently
  • following that
  • in that case
  • thereafter
Both 'then' and 'next' are commonly used in English, but they have different meanings and contexts. 'Then' is used to indicate a sequence of events or actions, while 'next' is used to refer to the event or action that follows immediately after the current one. They are not interchangeable in most cases.

Last Updated: March 20, 2024

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