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the two largest vs the largest two

Both "the two largest" and "the largest two" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "The two largest" is used when referring to the top two in a group, while "the largest two" is used when describing the two largest items in a specific order.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 4225 views

the two largest

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the top two items in a group or category.


  • These are the two largest countries in the world.
  • She bought the two largest cakes for the party.
  • The consistent and continuous downwards development of prices of the two largest Chinese exporters led in reality to sales prices at unsustainable levels.
  • In the two largest areas of expenditure (EAGF and Structural Funds) the management of Community funds is shared with the Member States.
  • Concerning the ban on diesel cars in the two largest Greek cities, the Commission would like to recall that in assessing the environmental impact of diesel cars, a distinction should be made between ambient air pollution and climate change issues.
  • I am one of those who support the shared view of the rapporteurs, Mrs Gröner and Mrs Sartori, who have managed to find a common solution on behalf of the two largest political groups in the European Parliament.
  • Other changes in volume in the amount held by the two largest investors
  • To be reported if the corresponding amount of the two largest investors for positions, transactions, other changes in volume, respectively, is not available/provided.
  • Furthermore, if services rendered by stamp dealers and auction houses are considered separately, then the estimated aggregate market shares of the two largest actors for each of these two categories amount to substantially higher levels.
  • Several importers, exporters and their associations claimed that the imposition of measures would lead to a reinforcement of the allegedly dominant position of the two largest Community producers.
  • Above all, much depends on the policies adopted by the two largest economies, China and the United States, and their cooperation and leadership in creating global public goods and maintaining a stable and open economic environment.
  • In addition, the recapitalisation of the two largest banks was to be exclusively generated from within those banks (i.e. from shareholders, bondholders and depositors).
  • It was our strong wish that this institute should be created with the backing of the representatives of the two largest parties within the European Parliament, precisely in order to benefit from this strength and support.
  • Analysis: The setting up of the joint buying organisation is likely to give the parties a market position on both the purchasing and selling markets of a degree which enables them to compete with the two largest retailers.
  • In this feature, we speak to the leaders of the two largest Romanian political groupings in the European Parliament, Sorin Frunzăverde, who leads the Romanian contingent within the EPP-ED political group, and Adrian Severin, his counterpart for the Romanian members of the PES group.
  • Nevertheless, greater efforts must be made in order to further clarify the entire privatisation strategy of the two largest companies and to set a clear timetable for privatisation and restructuring.
  • I would like to thank my colleagues at the Committee on International Trade and, most of all, the shadow rapporteurs of the two largest groups, Mrs Saïfi and Mrs Locatelli, and offer my heartfelt thanks to the secretariat and to Dr Bendini in particular.
  • Sum of the two largest transactions in absolute terms by individual holders, according to the same valuation method as the financial transactions
  • Look at the two largest populations in the world.
  • What we have here are the two largest trade blocks.
  • Experience suggests that CFC and NOS are the two largest items, each representing 30 to 40 % of output.
  • He calculates that the two largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, come near each other in the year 7 BC.


  • the top two largest
  • the two biggest
  • the two most significant

the largest two

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when describing the two largest items in a specific order or sequence.


  • She picked the largest two apples from the tree.
  • The largest two buildings in the city are impressive.
  • The Portuguese debt, both public and private (with private debt being the largest of the two), is due to structural causes exacerbated by circumstantial ones.
  • The means the two largest groups have employed to prevent you, Mr President, from holding discussions with the Council have been totally unacceptable.
  • To give you a sense of scale, the largest panel is about two meters high.
  • Look at the two largest populations in the world.
  • What we have here are the two largest trade blocks.
  • It claims that in France the two largest beneficiaries account for EUR 1.7 million between them.
  • But the solution that was eventually agreed makes sense: the country's two largest banks are effectively resolved.
  • The leaders of the world's two largest economies are changing.
  • Experience suggests that CFC and NOS are the two largest items, each representing 30 to 40 % of output.
  • The two largest, Germany and France, have a constituency all their own.
  • The two largest groups have reached a compromise that prevents the more far-reaching protection that my group has proposed.
  • He calculates that the two largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, come near each other in the year 7 BC.
  • It is self-evident that the two largest trade and economic powers in the world can and should develop a dialogue.
  • The United States is one of the two largest emitters, along with China.
  • The two largest are the centre-right European People's Party and the Socialists & Democrats.
  • Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp, the two largest lab testing companies -
  • I recommended you and also voted personally for you, because I thought it important to break with ten years of cartel agreements between the two largest groups.
  • These changes benefit the two largest groups, but are disadvantageous to anyone who wants to show what alternative decisions are desirable and possible.
  • In Switzerland, the two largest banks (UBS and Credit Suisse) had a combined balance sheet in fall 2008 of around 8 times Swiss GDP - mostly based on their global activities.
  • Frank, these are the heads of the two largest teachers unions in the country.


  • the two largest
  • the biggest two
  • the most significant two

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