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The remaining way vs The remaining ways

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'The remaining way' is used when referring to a singular path or method, while 'the remaining ways' is used when talking about multiple paths or methods. The choice between the singular and plural form depends on whether you are discussing a single option or multiple options.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 743 views

The remaining way

This phrase is correct when referring to a singular path or method.

Use 'the remaining way' when you are talking about the last or only path or method left in a situation.


  • The remaining way to solve this problem is to restart the computer.
  • Like Croatia, Montenegro can show the remaining countries the way to EU membership.
  • This is the only remaining way for us to go.
  • Since Parliament does not have the authority to prohibit this, the only remaining way of contesting imports is via the Court of Justice of the EC.
  • Five intensive months of work with the remaining subjects revealed ways to gradually increase the tolerance among them, or group exposure.
  • Also, in order to safeguard biodiversity in the remaining forest areas, ways and means must be developed to maintain and improve typical forest species diversity.
  • Caught between motorcyclists on the one hand and a group of decent people on the other, Parliament has to find a way of remaining consistent.
  • Similarly, talking about an international anti-terrorism alliance but remaining silent on the way the Russian government is continuing to terrorise and destroy Chechnya does nothing for the European Union's credibility.
  • However, stating these reservations would also be a way of remaining aloof from the real heart of the matter on which our position is based.
  • The only operations under way were aimed at recovering the remaining debts due to clients.
  • This legislation hinges upon the question of how the remaining technical monopolies - the networks - are to be brought to market in such a way as to make competition possible.
  • They do not regard the remaining 5% of Serbs as people who will adopt the Albanian language or adapt in other ways.
  • I would be delighted if the remaining countries were able to offer this expression of European solidarity in the same way as Poland.
  • The remaining 20-25 % will either have to be cancelled, or find alternative ways of financing that do not exist today.
  • Outstanding differences of opinion need to be ironed out in a committed and systematic way to break the remaining deadlock.
  • The area relates to the remaining gender gaps in the labour market and the ways to tackle them.
  • The Commission services are in the process of discussing with the two Beneficiaries ways how to ensure that a maximum of the remaining funds of EUR 662.6 million can be used.
  • The remaining part of pension savings accounts is held in cash and the interest rate determined by the credit or other institution in the same way as for other deposits.
  • The remaining part of pension savings accounts may be held in cash and the interest rate determined by the credit or other institution in the same way as for other deposits.
  • At the same time, the remaining contentious issues must be resolved before Tunis, including how the Digital Solidarity Fund demanded by Senegal can developed in a sensible way.
  • This area relates to the remaining gender gaps in the labour market and the ways to tackle them.


  • the only way left
  • the last option

The remaining ways

This phrase is correct when referring to multiple paths or methods.

Use 'the remaining ways' when you are discussing multiple options that are still available.


  • We have tried several approaches, but the remaining ways to tackle this issue are limited.
  • Like Croatia, Montenegro can show the remaining countries the way to EU membership.
  • This is the only remaining way for us to go.
  • Since Parliament does not have the authority to prohibit this, the only remaining way of contesting imports is via the Court of Justice of the EC.
  • Five intensive months of work with the remaining subjects revealed ways to gradually increase the tolerance among them, or group exposure.
  • Also, in order to safeguard biodiversity in the remaining forest areas, ways and means must be developed to maintain and improve typical forest species diversity.
  • Caught between motorcyclists on the one hand and a group of decent people on the other, Parliament has to find a way of remaining consistent.
  • Similarly, talking about an international anti-terrorism alliance but remaining silent on the way the Russian government is continuing to terrorise and destroy Chechnya does nothing for the European Union's credibility.
  • However, stating these reservations would also be a way of remaining aloof from the real heart of the matter on which our position is based.
  • The only operations under way were aimed at recovering the remaining debts due to clients.
  • This legislation hinges upon the question of how the remaining technical monopolies - the networks - are to be brought to market in such a way as to make competition possible.
  • They do not regard the remaining 5% of Serbs as people who will adopt the Albanian language or adapt in other ways.
  • I would be delighted if the remaining countries were able to offer this expression of European solidarity in the same way as Poland.
  • The remaining 20-25 % will either have to be cancelled, or find alternative ways of financing that do not exist today.
  • Outstanding differences of opinion need to be ironed out in a committed and systematic way to break the remaining deadlock.
  • The area relates to the remaining gender gaps in the labour market and the ways to tackle them.
  • The Commission services are in the process of discussing with the two Beneficiaries ways how to ensure that a maximum of the remaining funds of EUR 662.6 million can be used.
  • The remaining part of pension savings accounts is held in cash and the interest rate determined by the credit or other institution in the same way as for other deposits.
  • The remaining part of pension savings accounts may be held in cash and the interest rate determined by the credit or other institution in the same way as for other deposits.
  • At the same time, the remaining contentious issues must be resolved before Tunis, including how the Digital Solidarity Fund demanded by Senegal can developed in a sensible way.
  • This area relates to the remaining gender gaps in the labour market and the ways to tackle them.


  • the other options left
  • the remaining alternatives

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