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the physical and mechanical properties of vs the physical and mechanical

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'The physical and mechanical properties of' is used when referring to specific characteristics or attributes of an object or material, while 'the physical and mechanical' is used when discussing these characteristics more generally.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 558 views

the physical and mechanical properties of

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to specific characteristics or attributes of an object or material.

This phrase is used to describe the specific physical and mechanical attributes or qualities of an object or material.


  • The physical and mechanical properties of the new material make it ideal for use in construction.
  • Understanding the physical and mechanical properties of metals is crucial for designing strong structures.
  • Researchers are studying the physical and mechanical properties of different polymers.
  • The report focuses on the physical and mechanical properties of various types of wood.
  • Engineers need to consider the physical and mechanical properties of the materials they use.
  • Geotechnical investigations performed to obtain information on the physical and mechanical properties of soil and rock around a site to design earthworks and foundations for proposed structures and for repair of distress to earthworks and structures caused by subsurface conditions.
  • The physical, mechanical and chemical properties of these bricks have been analysed to determine whether they meet the quality standards for building materials.
  • Report of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Materials for Non Metallic Liners - Required to report all tests and information required in this Regulation.
  • The new legislation also brings physical and mechanical properties into line in order to reduce the risks of suffocation.
  • Physical and mechanical properties are also brought into line (risks of suffocation and strangulation);
  • Thus, it sets out the essential safety requirements with regard to toys, including the particular safety requirements regarding physical and mechanical properties, flammability, chemical properties, electrical properties, hygiene and radioactivity.
  • Thus, it sets out only the essential safety requirements with regard to toys, including the particular safety requirements regarding physical and mechanical properties, flammability, chemical properties, electrical properties, hygiene and radioactivity.
  • The experiments have shown that the bricks' physical, mechanical and chemical properties did not deteriorate in any of these three ways.
  • The second step is to «refine» the fibres, which consists of cutting and «fraying» the cotton fibres to improve both the mechanical and physical properties of the final paper.
  • On 16 September 2004, the European Committee for Standardisation adopted amendment 10 to the harmonised standard EN 71-1:1998 'Safety of toys - Part 1: mechanical and physical properties'.
  • (9) It is therefore necessary to provide for an appropriate notice to accompany publication of the references of the harmonised standard EN 71-1:1998 "Safety of Toys - Part 1: mechanical and physical properties",
  • on the publication of the reference of standard EN 71-1: 1998 "Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties", Clause 4.20(d) in accordance with Council Directive 88/378/EEC
  • concerning the partial non-conformity of standard EN 71-1:1998 'Safety of Toys - Part 1: mechanical and physical properties' with the essential safety requirements of Council Directive 88/378/EEC
  • It is therefore necessary to provide for an appropriate notice to accompany publication of the references of the harmonised standard EN 71-1:1998 'Safety of Toys - Part 1: mechanical and physical properties',
  • The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) issued European standard EN 71-1:2005 'Safety of toys - Part I: mechanical and physical properties' which is a consolidated version of harmonised standard EN 71-1:1998 and its 11 amendments.
  • On 19 September 2005, the European Committee for Standardisation adopted the standard EN 71-1:2005 'Safety of toys - Part 1: mechanical and physical properties' which is a consolidated version of the harmonised standard EN 71-1:1998 and its 11 amendments.
  • The publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the reference of the standard EN 71-1:2005 'Safety of toys - Part 1: mechanical and physical properties' shall be accompanied by the following additional notice:
  • (e) predictive simulation models on microstructures and mechanical properties;
  • predictive simulation models on microstructures and mechanical properties;
  • 'Material': chemical composition and mechanical properties as per paragraph


  • the properties of the material
  • the physical properties of the object
  • the mechanical characteristics of the substance
  • the material's physical and mechanical attributes
  • the object's physical and mechanical features

the physical and mechanical

This phrase is correct and commonly used when discussing physical and mechanical characteristics in a more general sense.

This phrase is used to talk about physical and mechanical aspects or qualities without specifying particular properties or attributes.


  • The design team considered the physical and mechanical aspects of the new product.
  • Students learn about the physical and mechanical principles of engineering.
  • The course covers the physical and mechanical aspects of materials science.
  • Understanding the physical and mechanical is essential for creating durable products.
  • The book explores the physical and mechanical in a way that is accessible to non-experts.
  • Geotechnical investigations performed to obtain information on the physical and mechanical properties of soil and rock around a site to design earthworks and foundations for proposed structures and for repair of distress to earthworks and structures caused by subsurface conditions.
  • The physical, mechanical and chemical properties of these bricks have been analysed to determine whether they meet the quality standards for building materials.
  • wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals and plastics
  • The new legislation also brings physical and mechanical properties into line in order to reduce the risks of suffocation.
  • Report of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Materials for Non Metallic Liners - Required to report all tests and information required in this Regulation.
  • This composition gives it greater physical and mechanical resistance than normal paper-based products, an essential characteristic considering that banknotes pass from hand to hand many times and are not always treated «kindly».
  • Non-chemical methods of plant protection and pest and crop management include rotation, physical and mechanical control and natural predator management.
  • Physical and mechanical properties are also brought into line (risks of suffocation and strangulation);
  • SMV rear marking plates shall also satisfy the conditions as to dimensions, shape, pattern and the colorimetric, photometric, physical and mechanical requirements set forth in Annexes 5 to 12 to this Regulation.
  • Retro-reflective marking materials shall also satisfy the conditions as to shape and dimensions, and the colorimetric, photometric, physical and mechanical requirements set forth in Annexes 5 to 8 to this Regulation.
  • Retroreflecting devices must also satisfy the conditions as to dimensions and shape, and the colorimetric, photometric, physical and mechanical requirements set forth in annexes 5 to 11 and 13 to this Regulation.
  • Retro-reflecting devices must also satisfy the conditions as to dimensions and shape, and the colorimetric, photometric, physical and mechanical requirements set forth in Annexes 5 to 11 and 13 to this Regulation.
  • Non-chemical methods of plant protection and pest and crop management include rotation, physical and mechanical control and natural predator management;
  • Non-chemical methods of plant protection and pest and crop management include rotation, physical and mechanical control and natural predator management;
  • Thus, it sets out the essential safety requirements with regard to toys, including the particular safety requirements regarding physical and mechanical properties, flammability, chemical properties, electrical properties, hygiene and radioactivity.
  • Thus, it sets out only the essential safety requirements with regard to toys, including the particular safety requirements regarding physical and mechanical properties, flammability, chemical properties, electrical properties, hygiene and radioactivity.
  • The experiments have shown that the bricks' physical, mechanical and chemical properties did not deteriorate in any of these three ways.
  • Cleaning of equipment and facilities shall be carried out by physical or mechanical measures.
  • Only mechanical and physical processes that produce oil presenting, as faithfully as possible, the particular characteristics of the original fruit may be used.


  • the physical and mechanical aspects
  • the physical and mechanical characteristics
  • the physical and mechanical qualities
  • the physical and mechanical features
  • the physical and mechanical elements

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