the journey to or the journey in?

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the journey to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the destination or goal of a journey.

This phrase is used to specify the place or purpose of a journey, indicating the destination or goal that is being traveled towards.


  • The journey to Paris was long but worth it.
  • We are planning the journey to the mountains next weekend.
  • She embarked on the journey to self-discovery.
  • Their journey to success was filled with challenges.
  • The journey to becoming a doctor requires years of study.


  • the trip to
  • the travel to
  • the voyage to
  • the expedition to

the journey in

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe the experience or circumstances during a journey.

This phrase is used to describe the experience, conditions, or circumstances within a journey, focusing on what happens during the journey.


  • The journey in the desert was challenging.
  • She found peace during the journey in the countryside.
  • Their journey in the rain was unforgettable.
  • He discovered his passion for photography during the journey in Asia.
  • The journey in the old car was full of surprises.


  • the experience in
  • the adventure in
  • the trip in
  • the travel in
Both "the journey to" and "the journey in" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "The journey to" is used to indicate the destination or goal of a journey, while "the journey in" is used to describe the experience or circumstances during a journey.

Last updated: March 24, 2024

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