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the handbook is organized vs the handbook is structured

Both phrases are correct and can be used interchangeably. They both convey the idea that the handbook has a specific organization or structure.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 867 views

the handbook is organized

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that the handbook has a clear and logical arrangement or order.


  • The handbook is organized by topic for easy reference.
  • Make sure the handbook is organized in a way that is easy for users to navigate.
  • All in all, the Handbook is organized around 14 thematic sections and a total of 30 chapters, each covering an important issue concerning the theory and/or ...
  • The handbook is organized around three themes: (i) basic theory and tools for everyday use, (ii) the effects of business cycles on public finance and the role of ...
  • The handbook is organized to allow the reader to look up information on specific topics easily. There is a detailed Table of Contents that provides a guide to ...
  • ORGANIZED? The Handbook is organized into four sections. A. Introduction-. • This section provides a brief description of the Handbook and lists the Station.


  • the handbook is structured
  • the handbook is arranged
  • the handbook is laid out
  • the handbook is formatted
  • the handbook follows a clear structure

the handbook is structured

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to convey that the handbook has a specific arrangement or organization.


  • The handbook is structured in a way that makes it easy to find information.
  • The handbook is structured by department for better clarity.
  • The handbook is structured as follows: Section One summarizes UNHCR's mandate of international protecdtion and the aim and principles of emergency.
  • be located by using the index. The handbook is structured as follows: Section One summarizes UNHCR's mandate of international protection and the aim and ...
  • ... by lessons learned from the thematic evaluation of UNFPA support to maternal health.3. Structure and contents of the handbook. The Handbook is structured.
  • The handbook is structured in three parts. Part I (chapters 1 and 2) outlines the framework for WHO emergency response. All staff and consultants involved in an  ...


  • the handbook is organized
  • the handbook is arranged
  • the handbook is laid out
  • the handbook is formatted
  • the handbook follows a clear structure

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