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the attached file vs the file attached

Both "the attached file" and "the file attached" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "The attached file" is commonly used when referring to a file that has been attached to an email or a document. On the other hand, "the file attached" is more commonly used in a technical or formal context, such as in programming or documentation.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 2921 views

the attached file

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a file that has been attached to an email or a document.

This phrase is used to describe a file that has been attached to an email or a document. It is a common expression in written communication.


  • Please find the attached file for your reference.
  • The attached file contains all the necessary information.
  • I have sent you the attached file.
  • The attached file is too large to send via email.
  • The attached file is in PDF format.
  • If you select Add Comments in the Attached File the comments included with the images will be merged to a text file and attached in the mail.
  • He knew somebody'd open the file attached to that e-mail.
  • I attached the sound file for you to check out.
  • Any discrepancies are to be justified in a note attached to the file.
  • Anyway, the Saxon files are attached.
  • For each field expressed by a code, the meanings of the codes used will be attached to the file.
  • A copy of the Ship Recycling Facility Plan is attached to the application file.
  • Evidence attached to the application file [17]
  • A written record of all such contacts is attached to the proposal file.
  • In addition, the draft SPA attached to the presentation file was only indicative and so potential bidders could have understood that the individual terms of the contract could be subject to bilateral negotiations.
  • Permit, license or authorisation document(s) attached to the application file [9]:
  • Internet skills for sending e-mails with attached files,
  • If you enable this option, all image properties set by %1 as Comments, Rating, or Tags, will be added as an attached file.
  • Please contact us here, then we will send the e-Book you want to read directly to you as an attached file format to the email. Don't forget to include your email address, your name and the title of e-Book you want to download.
  • The message you have composed seems to refer to an attached file but you have not attached anything. Do you want to attach a file to your message?
  • I must have accidentally attached both files.
  • You're wrong, there was a patient file attached.
  • Number of accountancy reporting files attached to the message
  • Because of the letter you attached to his file.
  • Okay, there are some encrypted files attached.


  • the file that is attached
  • the file included
  • the enclosed file
  • the file attached to this email
  • the document attached

the file attached

This phrase is correct, especially in technical or formal contexts, such as in programming or documentation.

This phrase is commonly used in technical or formal contexts to describe a file that has been attached or associated with something.


  • Please review the file attached for further details.
  • The file attached contains the code for the program.
  • I need to access the file attached to the database.
  • The document has the file attached at the end.
  • The file attached is a compressed archive.
  • He knew somebody'd open the file attached to that e-mail.
  • Anyway, the Saxon files are attached.
  • The file must be attached to the EC declaration of verification which the contracting entity sends to the supervisory authority in the Member State concerned.
  • Invokes & kmail; so you can email the file. The file is already attached to the email.
  • The file must be attached to the "EC" declaration of verification which the applicant sends to the competent authority with which he lodges the application for authorisation for placing in service.
  • The technical file must be attached to the EC declaration of verification which the air navigation service provider submits to the national supervisory authority.
  • If you select Add Comments in the Attached File the comments included with the images will be merged to a text file and attached in the mail.
  • (f) Requirements for the technical file to be attached to the application for the authorisation of a new textile fibre name (Annex II)
  • The technical file to be attached to the application for the inclusion of a new textile fibre name into the list set out in Annex I should contain, where appropriate, information about potential health implications of the new fibre.
  • You're wrong, there was a patient file attached.
  • Number of accountancy reporting files attached to the message
  • Okay, there are some encrypted files attached.
  • Well, I did find a video file attached to an incoming text.
  • There's a huge file attached to it.
  • Open a composer with < file > attached
  • I must have accidentally attached both files.
  • Internet skills for sending e-mails with attached files,
  • If you enable this option, all image properties set by %1 as Comments, Rating, or Tags, will be added as an attached file.
  • Once a file is attached to your message, it appears in the attachments pane at the bottom of the composer window. You can use the & RMB; on each attachment to View, Save or Remove the attachment.
  • Please contact us here, then we will send the e-Book you want to read directly to you as an attached file format to the email. Don't forget to include your email address, your name and the title of e-Book you want to download.


  • the attached file
  • the file that is attached
  • the file included
  • the enclosed file
  • the file attached to this email

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