Which is correct:
"that lead" or "that led"?

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that lead

This phrase is correct when referring to something that is currently leading or guiding.

Use "that lead" when you are talking about something that is currently leading or guiding in the present tense.


  • The path that lead to the waterfall is beautiful.
  • The ideas that lead the team to success were innovative.
  • The principles that lead our decision-making process are integrity and honesty.
  • The values that lead our company are teamwork and excellence.
  • The factors that lead to a healthy lifestyle include exercise and a balanced diet.


  • that guides
  • that directs
  • that shows the way

that led

This phrase is correct when referring to something that has already led or guided in the past.

Use "that led" when you are talking about something that has already led or guided in the past tense.


  • The decisions that led to the company's downfall were made years ago.
  • The actions that led to the conflict were regrettable.
  • The strategies that led to success were carefully planned.
  • The events that led to the discovery of the new species were unexpected.
  • The circumstances that led to the accident were unclear.


  • that guided
  • that directed
  • that showed the way
Both "that lead" and "that led" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "That lead" is present tense, while "that led" is past tense. The choice between the two depends on the timeframe you are referring to.

Last updated: March 23, 2024

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