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that it shows the vs that this shows the

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'That it shows the' is used when referring to a specific thing or action that is being shown, while 'that this shows the' is used when referring to a more general concept or idea being demonstrated.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 859 views

that it shows the

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific thing or action being shown.

This phrase is used when you want to emphasize a particular thing or action that is being shown or demonstrated.


  • I am impressed by the new technology and that it shows the potential for future advancements.
  • The experiment was successful in that it shows the effectiveness of the new drug.
  • and besides that, it shows the day of the month and the year." - New Yorker Cartoon. By: Chon Day Item #: 8643326 8643326 ...
  • However, because this is no ordinary mirror, the text also shows how the mirror is very different from standard mirrors, in the way that it shows the inner desires ...
  • Sep 14, 2015 ... “I think that it shows the fight we have on offense,” Bradford said. “The one drive, the (13)-play drive, I don't know how many penalties we ...
  • Aug 20, 2015 ... Here Andrew Mell illustrates a direct statistical link, and argues that it shows the need for reform of both the House of Lords and our party ...


  • that it demonstrates the
  • that it illustrates the
  • that it reveals the
  • that it indicates the
  • that it proves the

that this shows the

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a more general concept or idea being demonstrated.

This phrase is used when you want to talk about a general concept or idea that is being shown or demonstrated.


  • The data analysis is very clear in that this shows the correlation between the two variables.
  • The presentation was informative in that this shows the impact of climate change.
  • To see that this shows the existence of a minimizer, consider the following characterization of sequentially lower-semicontinuous functions. The function J ...
  • Janeway activates their homing signal and then realized that this shows the Vidiians (who Chakotay discovers have shot them down) right where to find them.
  • Sep 5, 2015 ... It went on to say that this shows the Mayor's disrespect for taxpayers money. There were 43 shirts and they were left at the center after a ...
  • Jun 4, 2015 ... The team believes that this shows the enzyme pausing while translation goes on – allowing the ribosome to do its work and move on – before ...


  • that this demonstrates the
  • that this illustrates the
  • that this reveals the
  • that this indicates the
  • that this proves the

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