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that can significantly predict vs that can predict

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'That can significantly predict' implies a stronger predictive ability compared to 'that can predict'. The choice between the two depends on the level of emphasis you want to place on the predictive capability.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 646 views

that can significantly predict

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to emphasize a strong predictive ability.

This phrase is used when you want to highlight that something has a high level of predictive power. It implies a significant impact on predicting outcomes.


  • The new model that can significantly predict market trends is revolutionary.
  • The algorithm that can significantly predict customer behavior is being widely adopted.
  • A tool that can significantly predict weather patterns would be invaluable for farmers.
  • The software that can significantly predict equipment failures is saving the company millions.
  • A study that can significantly predict disease progression could lead to breakthrough treatments.
  • Caution is indicated when Aclasta is administered in conjunction with medicinal products that can significantly impact renal function (e. g. aminoglycosides or diuretics that may cause dehydration), see section 4.5.
  • Caution is indicated when Aclasta is administered in conjunction with medicinal products that can significantly impact renal function (e. g. aminoglycosides or diuretics that may cause dehydration).
  • Caution is indicated when Aclasta is administered in conjunction with medicinal products that can significantly impact renal function (e. g. aminoglycosides or diuretics that may cause dehydration).
  • In the process of applying the entity's accounting policies, management makes various judgements, apart from those involving estimations, that can significantly affect the amounts recognised in the financial statements.
  • Member States should be encouraged to use the system, that can significantly contribute towards rationalising and optimising the assessment of the compliance with the requirements of that Directive.
  • In the process of applying the entity's accounting policies, management makes various judgements, apart from those involving estimations, that can significantly affect the amounts it recognises in the financial statements.
  • The only relevant activity is managing the receivables upon default because it is the only activity that can significantly affect the investee's returns.
  • In this specific case, it is a concern of Parliament to put together a series of infrastructural, legal, judicial, enforcement, educational, health, and other actions that can significantly reduce violence against women and its consequences.
  • Calls on the Commission to encourage, together with the Member States and the operators of transmission networks, studies to evaluate innovative technical solutions that can significantly increase the capacity of existing transfrontier electricity lines;
  • The report states that free university tuition does not necessarily guarantee equity and calls for an analysis of the range of financial incentives and support options that can significantly reduce inequity in terms of access to university education.
  • Note that not every change in one of the attributes of an object should be represented by a State but only those changes that can significantly affect the workings of the object
  • Disclosing information can significantly impact commercial interests.
  • Biofuels can significantly contribute to this aim.
  • Studies have shown that the use of safer instruments can significantly reduce the number of needlestick injuries.
  • The extraction of coal and transformation of energy can significantly contribute to local prosperity and employment.
  • The extraction and transformation of energy can significantly contribute to local prosperity and employment.
  • Fuel cells are highly efficient energy converters which can significantly reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and pollutants.
  • Highly engineered and sealed fermentation vessels can significantly reduce exposure and hence risk from a GMM.
  • Nanostructured materials and coatings, whose ingredients are of nanometric dimensions, can significantly reduce the above percentages.
  • Sustainable forestry can significantly affect the fulfilment of obligations imposed by international environmental agreements.


  • that can predict with high accuracy
  • that can predict with great precision
  • that can predict outcomes effectively
  • that can predict reliably
  • that can predict with strong confidence

that can predict

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate a general predictive ability.

This phrase is used when you want to convey that something has the capability to predict outcomes without emphasizing the degree of predictive power.


  • The model that can predict future trends is useful for planning.
  • The software that can predict potential failures helps prevent downtime.
  • An algorithm that can predict stock market movements is valuable for investors.
  • The tool that can predict customer preferences aids in marketing strategies.
  • A study that can predict the impact of climate change is important for policy decisions.
  • They've now developed a genetic test that can predict how an individual will respond.
  • A sequence that can predict patterns with 100% accuracy?
  • You got your fancy equation that can predict failures.
  • According to a study published in the US journal Pediatrics in early March, as early as three years old, obese children display high levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation that can predict possible heart disease later in life.
  • This explains why it has always been believed that animals can predict earthquakes.
  • And she thinks that it can predict the future.
  • People need to know that we can predict these things now.
  • I perform a series of ghoulish experiments on food - in this case, trying to calibrate a mathematical model so that one can predict exactly what the internal cooking times are.
  • Well actually, as of yesterday, we now believe that we can predict them.
  • Look, we know they can't track us, but it is possible that they can predict our course.
  • Edna has a chicken stew that she thinks can predict the future.
  • I've seen so much that I can predict, how things will turn out before they happen.
  • They believe that with enough data, That they can predict who would be engaging in nefarious crimes.
  • Look, my point is that... the only thing that anyone can predict about people with 100% certainty is that they'll change.
  • We can predict that the dictatorship will succeed, as the democratic opposition has been deprived of its rights and silenced behind prison walls.
  • Demand for such operations is growing rapidly and I can predict that discussions will follow about the question whether social security should soon start to fund the preservation of such backward customs.
  • Ladies and gentlemen of the European Commission, I can predict that your hocus-pocus propaganda will boomerang on you sooner or later.
  • We can predict that the yawning economic, social, legal and political gulf between the European Union and our new neighbours will continue to widen.
  • - that the bedrock, the Finnish bedrock - 1.8 billion years old - is the medium that we can predict far into the future.
  • Doctor, are you telling the jury that you can predict beyond a reasonable doubt when someone is going to commit a crime?


  • that has predictive capabilities
  • that is able to predict
  • that can make predictions
  • that can forecast
  • that can anticipate outcomes

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