Which is correct:
"that can affect " or "that can significantly affect "?

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that can affect

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the possibility of influence.

This phrase is used to indicate the potential for something to have an impact or influence on a situation, person, or outcome.


  • There are many factors that can affect the outcome of the experiment.
  • The weather can affect our travel plans.
  • Various factors can affect the success of a business.
  • Different teaching methods can affect students' learning outcomes.
  • The type of food you eat can affect your health.


  • that may affect
  • that could affect
  • that might affect
  • that has an impact on
  • that influences

that can significantly affect

This phrase is correct and emphasizes a stronger impact compared to "that can affect." It is commonly used when you want to highlight a significant influence.

This phrase is used when you want to emphasize a strong impact or influence that something can have on a situation, person, or outcome.


  • The new policy can significantly affect our budget.
  • Changes in the market can significantly affect our sales.
  • The pandemic has significantly affected the global economy.
  • Lack of sleep can significantly affect your performance.
  • Political decisions can significantly affect people's lives.


  • that can greatly affect
  • that can profoundly affect
  • that can have a major impact on
  • that can dramatically influence
  • that can strongly impact
Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different levels of impact. "That can affect" is a general statement about the possibility of influence, while "that can significantly affect" emphasizes a stronger impact. The choice between them depends on the degree of impact you want to emphasize.

Last updated: March 21, 2024

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