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task preferences vs task intention

Both 'task preferences' and 'task intention' are correct phrases, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'Task preferences' refer to the tasks that someone prefers or likes to do, while 'task intention' refers to the specific tasks that someone plans or intends to do. The choice between the two phrases depends on whether you want to focus on someone's likes or their planned actions.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 757 views

task preferences

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to refer to the tasks that someone prefers or likes to do.

Use 'task preferences' when referring to the tasks that someone prefers or likes to do. It indicates the tasks that are favored by an individual.


  • My task preferences include creative projects and problem-solving tasks.
  • Understanding your task preferences can help you choose a career that aligns with your interests.
  • Employee representatives reiterated their preference for tasks relating to financial stability and supervision to be allocated to the central banks.
  • The tasks of preparing and representing externally the decisions that derive from these joint responsibilities are allocated through a common decision on the basis of several criteria, such as efficiency, experience, preferences.
  • The Commission's tentative approach shows how difficult it is to classify SSGIs, as they reflect specific and extremely varied tasks that are deeply rooted in national and even local collective preferences.
  • At the time, he was the candidate with the most outspoken preferences for the forced privatisation of government tasks and for cancelling all manner of EU tasks that do not fit into his ultra-liberal view of the economy.
  • In a debate such as this and in the forthcoming work on reviewing the Generalised System of Preferences, we have to think about and focus on the basic task and the basic aim of the Generalised System of Preferences, which is to combat poverty.
  • The technology needed to advance such a scheme exists. The task now is to introduce prototype systems in representative communities, in order to prove what is possible, discover consumers' preferences, determine the most attractive business models, and identify and avert unexpected consequences.
  • Urges the Commission and the Task Force for Reconstruction to give preference, with the exception of humanitarian assistance, to reconstruction projects in those municipalities that are trying to favour a climate of cooperation among the different ethnic groups opposing expulsions and preventing violence;


  • task likes
  • preferred tasks
  • favorite tasks
  • preferred activities
  • task choices

task intention

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to refer to the specific tasks that someone plans or intends to do.

Use 'task intention' when referring to the specific tasks that someone plans or intends to do. It indicates the tasks that are part of an individual's planned actions.


  • My task intention for today is to complete the report and schedule a meeting.
  • She shared her task intentions for the upcoming week with the team.
  • Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the rapporteur set about his task with the intention of solving a problem, not with the intention of getting rid of a problem.
  • The intention is to allow collection to remain the task of existing successful infrastructure.
  • The European Parliament supports the Commission in its intention to set up an IT security task force, which should be operational by mid-2003.
  • This task fell to me and my intention was to help make real progress in the direction previously taken by the European Parliament.
  • Our task is to ensure that the good intentions are translated into practical measures and immediate, focused solutions.
  • The intention of the resolution was to task the Commission with preparing the necessary legislative act, which would come into effect in 2011.
  • Imposing such rules is the very minimum necessary and we will vote in favour, but we have no intention of accepting the fact that this proposal releases Member States from their duty to carry out a literally crucial task in terms of a public health service.
  • It welcomes the intention of the Commission to make proposals for the establishment of a cyber security task force.
  • If we fail in this task, the hard-hit public will do as they have already announced their intention of doing, and use road blockades in an attempt to secure their rights.
  • My intention at this stage will be to establish an interdepartmental task force along the same lines as your Urban Housing Intergroup to ensure a horizontal approach to policy measures which affect cities.
  • It further welcomed the intentions of the Commission to develop amongst others a strategy for a more stable and secure operation of the Internet infrastructure and to make a proposal for the establishment of a cyber-security task force.
  • Why is Italy not called to task when it makes a shambles of its good intentions?
  • The rapporteur supports the Commission's intention to delegate executive tasks to the new executive agencies however she is of the opinion that any attempt at introducing commitology should be rejected.
  • the tasks are not delegated with the intention of avoiding the requirements of this Directive;
  • You have a very difficult task and I have the impression that, in order to progress from intentions to actions, you must put your foot down and take risks, as President Prodi promised us when he began his five-year mandate.
  • The second core task of the Ombudsman consists in communicating and reaching out to the citizens in an enlarged EU, in order to make them aware of their rights deriving from EU law and with the intention of bringing them closer to the EU institutions.
  • As I see it, the Stability Pact - and this is Mr Bussek's intention in his role as Special Coordinator - needs to become more focused, with a reduced role and tasks being increasingly transferred to the Commission.
  • There must be a clear intention to abolish the present cohesion fund which, in any case, was designed to give the Eastern countries easier access to the single currency, a task which has now been completed.
  • Mr President, I have no intention of prolonging this debate, but having been in the chair at the time and had the very difficult task of dealing with this matter, I feel I owe Members a word or two of explanation.
  • The resolution expressed the basic intention to merge the Land's bank holdings and WBK into one holding company (later BGB), provided that WBK's promotional activities could continue and that the assumption of sovereign tasks and the tax exemption were guaranteed.


  • planned tasks
  • intended tasks
  • task plans
  • task goals
  • task objectives

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