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talking rigorously vs talking vigorously

Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and contexts. 'Talking rigorously' implies speaking with strict adherence to rules or standards, while 'talking vigorously' suggests speaking with energy, enthusiasm, or force. The choice between the two depends on the intended meaning.

Last updated: April 12, 2024 • 116 views

talking rigorously

This phrase is correct and can be used to indicate speaking with strict adherence to rules or standards.

This phrase is used when someone is speaking in a precise, careful, or thorough manner, following specific guidelines or principles.


  • The professor was talking rigorously about the research methodology.
  • She always talks rigorously when explaining complex concepts to her students.
  • And we have got what was wanting, a way of talking rigorously about the individual human being. Obviously, these few pages on Shaw.
  • I'm talking rigorously here in terms of partial. pressures not in terms of concentrations. So what are my. equilibrium partial pressures?
  • Feb 4, 2014 ... I'm talking rigorously tested, empirically proven, scientifically grounded, evidence-based conclusions. Positive psychology (the science of ...
  • that of talking rigorously about the world, which throughout this thesis I also call. “the practice of making empirical judgments”, and “the game of ...
  • In your class, you give the students almost all the time to speak. Your students were all involved in talking rigorously. They seemed to enjoy talking quite a ...
  • Jun 11, 2018 ... ... fitness peaks than most biologists originally thought, again we are talking rigorously but in a way that is clear to the lay listener.
  • Dec 23, 2020 ... If people are talking rigorously, they will explicitly say they want the expected value. You many, however, see people asking for the "mean" ...
  • talking rigorously about familiar and unfamiliar ideas with people who are familiar and unfamiliar to us--a colleague and a nuclear physicist, a parent and ...


  • speaking strictly
  • communicating precisely
  • discussing meticulously
  • conversing methodically
  • chatting systematically

talking vigorously

This phrase is correct and can be used to indicate speaking with energy, enthusiasm, or force.

This phrase is used when someone is speaking with intensity, passion, or liveliness, conveying a sense of vigor or strength in their communication.


  • The motivational speaker was talking vigorously to inspire the audience.
  • He was talking vigorously during the debate, defending his position with fervor.
  • Oct 27, 2019 ... Natalie comes home from every meeting excited, talking vigorously about whatever case is being discussed that week and the hours that have ...
  • Mar 21, 2013 ... Pretty young girl talking vigorously with friend on the phone. Pretty girl talking on the phone — Stock Photo, Image
  • Aug 31, 2019 ... Believe it or not, Giles is talking vigorously about retirement. In effect, the colorful 76-year-old announced his retirement from ...
  • Feb 28, 2005 ... Two guys on the sidewalk, talking vigorously. From the bits and pieces I picked up, they were fashion designers – and they mainly did stuff ...
  • Around the stage are statues of various gods, an altar. A group of men (citizens of Thebes) are talking vigorously about war. They are waiting for Eteocles. As ...
  • While the politically immature liberals street uses for blood pressure medicine were talking vigorously what to do if blood pressure spikes and deeply ...
  • Aug 25, 2020 ... ... individuals on stage is quite noticeable, as is intermittent external JVD in upright animated persons who are talking vigorously.
  • Aug 29, 2022 ... Some are talking vigorously to the other, while some are engaged in reckless and tempestuous affray. The old lady keeps on watching them ...
  • Three small boys in a poverty section of town are standing in front of a grocery store talking vigorously, gesticulating with their arms. Then all three.
  • The disciples and Christ are lying on a circular bench around a table talking vigorously or reaching for food. Judas leans towards Jesus holding a bag of ...


  • speaking energetically
  • communicating forcefully
  • discussing passionately
  • conversing animatedly
  • chatting emphatically

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