Which one is correct?
"take the idea" or "take to the idea"?

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take the idea

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to mean understanding or considering an idea.

This phrase is used when someone grasps or considers an idea without necessarily implying acceptance or rejection.


  • He took the idea and thought about it for a while.
  • She took the idea but wasn't sure if it would work.
  • They took the idea and discussed it with their team.


  • understood the idea
  • considered the idea
  • grasped the idea

take to the idea

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express accepting or embracing an idea.

This phrase is used when someone starts to like or accept an idea. It implies a positive reception of the idea.


  • She really took to the idea of starting her own business.
  • He took to the idea of traveling around the world.
  • They took to the idea of having a picnic in the park.


  • embraced the idea
  • accepted the idea
  • liked the idea
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Take to the idea' implies accepting or embracing an idea, while 'take the idea' simply means to understand or consider an idea. They are not interchangeable as they convey different meanings.

Last Updated: March 20, 2024

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