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take the restriction vs keep the restriction

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Take the restriction' implies accepting or acknowledging a restriction, while 'keep the restriction' suggests maintaining or adhering to a restriction. The choice between the two depends on whether you are referring to accepting or maintaining a restriction.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 921 views

take the restriction

This phrase is correct and can be used to imply accepting or acknowledging a restriction.

This phrase is used when someone is asked to accept or acknowledge a restriction that is being imposed.


  • You need to take the restriction on the number of guests allowed in the party.
  • Minutes. Restriction enzyme activity is defined in units. One unit digests 1 microgram of DNA in 1 hour.
  • Nov 8, 2014 ... explicit content restriction.... this is what my phone says when i try to listen to music. how do i take the restriction off??? This question has been Answered. jasonstapleton1990 Newbie Bronze · jasonstapleton1990 Nov 8, 2014 ...
  • Mar 4, 2015 ... If a restriction is added or attached in a course and you wanted one or two sections not to have this particular restriction, you need to take the restriction out in SSARRES, (highlight the restriction [example: under Major: BIOL] ...
  • If a donor places a restriction on the marketability or use of the contributed property, the charitable deduction must be reduced to take the restriction into account. Rev. Rul. 2003-28, 2003-11 I.R.B. 594, discussed above, also addressed the ...


  • accept the restriction
  • acknowledge the restriction

keep the restriction

This phrase is correct and is used to imply maintaining or adhering to a restriction.

This phrase is used when someone is expected to maintain or adhere to a restriction that is already in place.


  • Please keep the restriction on the use of cell phones in the library.
  • Jan 30, 2013 ... But the problem is that klenow fragment fill the 5´ protruding ends and degrade 3´ protruding ends, so you only can keep the restriction site if that restriction enzyme leaves 5´ protrunding site, because you will regenerate the ...
  • Add the following ingredients to each tube. Be very careful when measuring and use a fresh tip every time. Keep the restriction enzymes on ice at all times. All volumes are in microliters. Lambda. Enzyme 1. Enzyme 2. Standard. Lambda DNA.
  • Aug 14, 2013 ... Restriction enyzmes are also quite selective for the site they cut at, so single nucleotide changes at this site, might, if the phage is lucky, not change the function of the encoded gene, but keep the restriction enzyme from ...
  • Sep 27, 2012 ... A: My advice is to keep the restriction in place. Your association is close to the number of rental units that will create difficulties for potential buyers seeking mortgage financing. While a leasing rate of 30 percent is high, if the ...


  • maintain the restriction
  • adhere to the restriction

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