Which is correct:
"Take care always" or "take care as always"?

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Take care always

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to wish someone well or remind them to be cautious at all times.

This phrase is used to express good wishes or remind someone to be cautious consistently. It implies a sense of care and concern for the person.


  • Take care always, my friend.
  • Remember to take care always, especially when you're traveling.
  • Take care always, and stay safe.
  • She tells her children to take care always when they go out to play.
  • Take care always, no matter where you are.


  • Always take care
  • Take care all the time
  • Make sure to take care consistently
  • Remember to be cautious always
  • Stay safe always

take care as always

This phrase is correct and is used to emphasize the consistency of taking care, suggesting that the person is always careful.

This phrase is used to highlight the ongoing nature of being careful or cautious. It implies that the person is known for their consistent care and attention.


  • She took care as always, making sure everything was in order.
  • He greeted her with a smile, taking care as always to be polite.
  • The team performed well, taking care as always to follow the rules.
  • She cooked dinner, taking care as always to use fresh ingredients.
  • He drove carefully, taking care as always to obey the speed limit.


  • Continuing to take care
  • Being careful as usual
  • Maintaining caution as always
  • Consistently taking care
  • Exercising care as usual
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Take care always' is a common expression used to wish someone well or to remind them to be cautious at all times. On the other hand, 'take care as always' emphasizes the consistency of taking care, implying that the person is always careful. The choice between the two depends on the specific emphasis you want to convey.

Last updated: March 30, 2024

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