Which is correct:
"sustain working condition" or "remain in working condition"?

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sustain working condition

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the ongoing effort to maintain the working condition of something, such as equipment or machinery.


  • Regular maintenance is essential to sustain the working condition of the machines.
  • The company implemented a plan to sustain the working condition of the building.
  • It is important to sustain the working condition of the vehicle to ensure safety.
  • The team's goal is to sustain the working condition of the software system.
  • The technician's job is to sustain the working condition of the electrical components.


  • maintain working condition
  • preserve working condition
  • uphold working condition
  • ensure working condition
  • keep working condition

remain in working condition

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that something is currently in a working state and has not deteriorated or broken down.


  • The car has remained in working condition for many years.
  • Despite its age, the equipment has managed to remain in working condition.
  • The building has remained in working condition since its construction.
  • The appliance needs to remain in working condition for the event.
  • Regular inspections help the machinery to remain in working condition.


  • stay in working condition
  • keep in working condition
  • continue in working condition
  • be in working condition
  • function in working condition
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Sustain working condition' implies actively maintaining the working condition of something, while 'remain in working condition' suggests that something is currently in a working state and has not deteriorated. They are not directly comparable as they convey different meanings.

Last updated: March 24, 2024

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