Success Case or Successful Case ?

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Success Case

This phrase is correct and commonly used in the context of software development or problem-solving to refer to a scenario where something is working correctly.

This phrase is often used in the context of software development or problem-solving to describe a scenario where a particular feature or function is working as intended.


  • In the success case, the system will display a confirmation message.
  • Let's consider the success case where all the requirements are met.
  • The success case for this algorithm is when it converges to the optimal solution.


  • positive outcome
  • favorable scenario
  • ideal situation
  • working scenario
  • functional case

Successful Case

This phrase is correct and can be used in various contexts to describe a situation or event that has achieved success.

This phrase is more general and can be used in different contexts to refer to a situation or event that has been successful or achieved the desired outcome.


  • The project team presented a successful case study at the conference.
  • Let's analyze the successful case studies in the industry.
  • This is a successful case of community engagement.
  • The successful case of the new product launch boosted company sales.
  • The successful case of the negotiation led to a mutually beneficial agreement.


  • victorious scenario
  • triumphant situation
  • achievement case
  • positive outcome
  • winning case
Both "success case" and "successful case" are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "Success case" is commonly used in the context of software development or problem-solving to refer to a scenario where something is working correctly. On the other hand, "successful case" is more general and can be used in various contexts to describe a situation or event that has achieved success.

Last updated: March 06, 2024

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