Which one is correct?
"Subject to the" or "Subjected to the"?

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Subject to the

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when indicating that something is dependent on or governed by a particular condition or rule.

This phrase is used to show that something is dependent on or controlled by a specific condition or rule. For example, 'The decision is subject to the approval of the board.'


  • The project timeline is subject to change based on new requirements.
  • The terms and conditions are subject to negotiation.
  • The schedule is subject to availability of resources.
  • The event is subject to cancellation in case of bad weather.
  • The price is subject to market fluctuations.


  • dependent on
  • governed by
  • controlled by
  • regulated by
  • conditional on

Subjected to the

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to someone or something being exposed to a particular action or treatment.

This phrase is used to indicate that someone or something has been exposed to a specific action or treatment. For example, 'The experiment subjects were subjected to various tests.'


  • The prisoners were subjected to harsh conditions in the detention center.
  • The students were subjected to a rigorous examination process.
  • The employees were subjected to a series of training sessions.
  • The animals were subjected to different environmental conditions for the study.
  • The patients were subjected to a new treatment method.


  • exposed to the
  • put through
  • made to undergo
  • endured
  • faced with
Both "subjected to the" and "subject to the" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Subjected to the" is used when referring to someone or something being exposed to a particular action or treatment. On the other hand, "subject to the" is used when indicating that something is dependent on or governed by a particular condition or rule.

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

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