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Strong international academic background vs Strong international educational background

Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'Strong international academic background' refers specifically to academic achievements and experiences, such as degrees, research, and publications. On the other hand, 'strong international educational background' is a broader term that encompasses academic as well as non-academic learning experiences. The choice between the two depends on whether you want to emphasize academic achievements or include a wider range of educational experiences.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 2951 views

Strong international academic background

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to a person's academic achievements and experiences in an international context.

This phrase is used to highlight a person's academic accomplishments, such as degrees, research, publications, and academic experiences in an international setting.
  • That means starting with your persona's academic background and professional ambitions.
  • Please highlight the main aspects of your academic background and most relevant publications on monetary and economic policy and financial regulation matters.
  • responses to a call for expression of interest by individuals with academic background.
  • members with academic background are appointed in a personal capacity;
  • The aviation sector has a strong international character.
  • individuals with an academic background or recognised expertise in the area referred to in Article 2.
  • members with an academic background or recognised expertise are appointed in a personal capacity,
  • Due to his deteriorating health and strong international pressure, the Chinese government released him in 1997.
  • She's great with the press and has strong international ties.
  • The EU should have a strong international voice in its energy relations.
  • Finally, our group agrees that strong international rules are needed to manage trade.
  • A response is needed that involves European intervention and strong international cooperation.
  • For this to happen, strong international institutions are needed to ensure sustainable development.
  • This is why I expect concerted European activity with a strong international component.
  • This can only be achieved by means of diplomatic efforts and very strong international involvement.
  • A strong international regime for the identification, control and disposal of end-of-life ships should be established through the IMO.
  • These effects more than offset the dampening influence of lower import price pressures, which reflected exchange rate developments, in an environment of strong international competition.
  • Therefore, due to the global dimension of financial markets, I feel we should support strong international cooperation to foster transparency through higher disclosure and exchange of information among financial supervisors and central banks.
  • Since then there has been strong international pressure from all sides to help Ms Lawal, and rightly so.
  • Therefore, our only alternative is to continue to support Iraq, both politically and through a strong international presence for as long as that is required.


  • impressive international academic background
  • solid international academic background
  • excellent international academic background
  • outstanding international academic background
  • exceptional international academic background

Strong international educational background

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to a person's overall educational experiences, including academic and non-academic learning, in an international context.

This phrase is used to emphasize a person's educational experiences, including academic achievements, non-academic learning, and educational experiences in an international setting.
  • It gives priority to actions for young people with fewer opportunities, from difficult socioeconomic or educational backgrounds.
  • My educational background is a master degree in economics.
  • I meant what in your educational background qualifies you?
  • ms. shayne... please tell the court about your educational background.
  • Given your educational background, you'd think you could at least find a job with a medical plan.
  • These measures will be complemented by the establishment of an ECB Graduates» Programme in 2005 aimed at recent graduates with a broad educational background.
  • To what extent are young people using their educational background and qualifications in their first jobs? 2.
  • What is the typical educational background of a trainee?
  • Too many graduates struggle to make the transition to the labour market and secure quality employment that corresponds to their educational background.
  • The aviation sector has a strong international character.
  • A crucial point here is that LLL should become available to all, irrespective of age, origin or educational background, provided only that they are legally resident within the territory of the European Union.
  • You can present the board with just reality, facts about educational background, or you can guide them towards how you want to be perceived.
  • Statistical data, especially on the social and educational background of immigrants, could further assist EU citizens to help integrate these immigrants.
  • In September 2006 the first six participants in the ECB's Graduate Programme, which is aimed at recent graduates with a broad educational background, joined the Bank on the basis of two-year non-convertible contracts.
  • The participants, who are recent graduates from leading universities, have a broad educational background and are each assigned to two business areas on a rotational basis for a total period of two years.
  • Only complete multilingualism will guarantee that every EU citizen can stand as a candidate for, and furthermore get elected to, the European Parliament, regardless of nationality and cultural and educational background.
  • The rapporteurs note, however, that there are legal and tax obstacles as well as obstacles relating to educational background; most workers come from industrial restructuring in Europe.
  • The detailed and critical summaries shall be signed and dated, and information about the author's educational background, training and occupational experience shall be attached.
  • Due to his deteriorating health and strong international pressure, the Chinese government released him in 1997.
  • She's great with the press and has strong international ties.


  • impressive international educational background
  • solid international educational background
  • excellent international educational background
  • outstanding international educational background
  • exceptional international educational background

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