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stress-strain state vs stress state

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Stress-strain state' refers to the relationship between stress and strain in a material, while 'stress state' simply describes the distribution of stress within a material. They are not directly comparable as they convey different meanings.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 616 views

stress-strain state

This phrase is correct and commonly used in the context of material science and engineering to describe the relationship between stress and strain in a material.

This phrase is used to refer to the state of stress and strain in a material, indicating how the material deforms under applied loads.


  • The stress-strain state of the material determines its mechanical properties.
  • Understanding the stress-strain state is crucial for designing strong and durable structures.
  • Here are stress-strain curves generated by tensile testing five fibers made by the same spider.
  • Some fourier series applied to heat dispersion, Throw in a stress-strain curve, and there you are.
  • The stress-strain relationship for fibres is always elastic, therefore, stress ratios and strain ratios are equal.
  • Elastic-plastic stress-strain curve for liner material must be known and correctly modelled;
  • State, state, state, state...
  • State budget allocations are clearly state resources.
  • Milosevic is creating dictatorial conditions, a country governed by security troops, State media and State terror.
  • State enterprises operating primarily to satisfy the needs of other State institutions do not pay the tax.
  • Purchase of such shares with state support constitutes an indirect transfer of state resources to producer organisations.
  • Applicable only until this acceding state becomes a Member State.
  • Those state organs include the Member State's government and other public authorities.
  • A Member State may apply only annual rates for vehicles registered in that State.
  • If such schemes are state backed, they could also give rise to State aid concerns.
  • The measure is financed through State resources as it consists of a State guarantee granted by Portugal.
  • Payments to service-providers made from direct State revenue are advantages financed through State resources.
  • The measure is funded through the state budget and, therefore, clearly involves use of state resources.
  • The condition concerning imputability to the State and state resources is therefore met.
  • As the Italian State would be foregoing certain tax revenues, the measure involves State resources.
  • The Commission State aid policy towards State measures to support broadband network deployments can be summarised in Sections 2.2 and 2.3 below.
  • This could mean that Arcofin's recapitalisation of Dexia involved State resources and entailed State aid.

stress state

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe the distribution of stress within a material without specifically referring to the relationship with strain.

This phrase is used to indicate the state of stress in a material, without necessarily considering its deformation behavior.


  • The stress state in the material must be analyzed to ensure structural integrity.
  • The stress state at different points of the structure varies under different loading conditions.
  • Stress the State's role as a protector, solidarity during this exceptional ordeal... Regional TV got there first.
  • - Several Member States stress that an internal control framework already exists to some extent.
  • However, I would like to stress that state aid rules should not be used to block Ireland or any other Member State from competing against non-EU countries for important foreign direct investment.
  • You know, you pushed all the right buttons, but instead of her ego defense system triggering a stress-response state, she went straight into a tacit confession.
  • It is to stress that Member States shall ensure that their systems reflect the differing environmental costs and benefits.
  • It is important to stress the Member States' autonomy in setting terms and conditions for licences that companies need to fulfil.
  • Considering that the upcoming year is dedicated to Equal Opportunities for All, the CoR must stress on Members States the obligation to ensure parity in national delegations represented in the CoR.
  • The French authorities stress that the State never indicated or suggested that it would give France Télécom its unconditional and unlimited support.
  • Subject: Stress tests for Member-State finances
  • We are also opposed to the idea that the Commission and the Member States should stress the need for climate protection when conducting dialogues with other countries.
  • We need to see why legislation is not being applied and to stress to the Member States that they must move in this direction as quickly as possible.
  • Let me stress that several Member States currently use the possibility to couple part of the direct aid to environment objectives to support protein crops.
  • As colleagues have said, at this time of fiscal stress, enabling Member States to collect their full dues of taxes is even more important.
  • The Commission wishes to stress that each Member State is solely responsible for the way in which it organises its public structures.
  • Those provisions themselves stress that host Member States are not permitted to ask for any additions or modifications except translation.
  • The Commission will continue to stress that Member States should not make concessions to, or deal with, the Belarussian Government unless and until there is a fundamental shift in its attitude.
  • In this context, I would like to stress that Member States need to step up their efforts in supporting the policies aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and creating a favourable business environment for SMEs.
  • Nonetheless, it is important to stress the Member States' responsibility for implementing the necessary structural reforms, whose absence undermines the advantages of belonging to a bloc with a strong currency.
  • Terry WYNN (PES) said that in the budget conciliation with the European Parliament that it would be important to stress that Member States should better control their spending of EU funds.
  • While congratulating the rapporteur, I should also like to ask - if this card is to become a reality - that the Commission and all MEPs stress to Member State governments that they must not see this merely as a technical step forward.

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