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still this does not mean vs this still does not mean

Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different emphasis. 'Still this does not mean' places more emphasis on the word 'still,' while 'This still does not mean' places more emphasis on the fact that something does not mean something else. The choice between the two depends on the intended emphasis in the context.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 804 views

still this does not mean

This phrase is correct but less common in English. It emphasizes the word 'still' at the beginning of the sentence.

This phrase is used to emphasize the word 'still' at the beginning of a sentence to convey that despite a previous statement, something remains unchanged in its meaning.


  • Still this does not mean that we should give up.
  • Still this does not mean I don't appreciate your efforts.
  • Still this does not mean we cannot find a solution.
  • Still, this does not mean that it will provide eternal life. This oil is still not legally available to most and so it will take a very long time to determine how many ...
  • May 29, 2015 ... They will take all the gifts which America offers, but still this does not mean that America has their heart. America is careful not to give any help ...
  • Jul 28, 2015 ... Still, this does not mean the parent has to follow. This situation is a rite of parenting passage. It is in these humbling parenting moments that we ...
  • Still, this does not mean that we may give them non-kosher food. The reason is not because by doing so we are causing them to do something wrong. For them ...


  • This still does not mean
  • This does not mean
  • This still means
  • This does not necessarily mean
  • This does not imply

this still does not mean

This phrase is correct and more commonly used in English. It places emphasis on the fact that something does not mean something else.

This phrase is used to emphasize that a particular statement or situation does not imply a certain meaning or outcome.


  • This still does not mean we have reached a conclusion.
  • This still does not mean I agree with you.
  • This still does not mean it's impossible.
  • This still does not mean that we could not evaluate the scheme on its own merits. But in practical terms, in case I-b we will trust our initial judgement more, as we ...
  • This still does not mean the patient has cancer. In fact, the majority of patients who have a “true positive” FOBT have bleeding in the digestive system that is not  ...
  • This still does not mean that y is caused by x. It is still imperative for the researcher to understand the variables under study and the context they operate under ...
  • Even if the baby does appear to have stopped moving or at least slowed down from the number of times it used to move, this still does not mean there is a major  ...


  • Still this does not mean
  • This does not mean
  • This still means
  • This does not necessarily mean
  • This does not imply

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