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step-by-step vs stepwise

Both 'step-by-step' and 'stepwise' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Step-by-step' is commonly used to describe a process that is broken down into individual steps, while 'stepwise' is more technical and often used in the context of statistical analysis or computer programming.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1263 views


This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe a process that is broken down into individual steps.

Use 'step-by-step' when you want to describe a process that is done gradually, one step at a time.


  • Follow the instructions step-by-step to assemble the furniture.
  • She explained the concept to me step-by-step.
  • The recipe was easy to follow, with clear step-by-step instructions.
  • The teacher guided the students through the math problem step-by-step.
  • The software provides a step-by-step guide for installation.
  • The Committee on Budgets therefore proposes a step-by-step readjustment of the own resources system.
  • Essentially, it does it by providing a smooth ramp of gradual step-by-step increment.
  • Above all, however, we need a step-by-step plan.
  • I wanted you to walk them through the bill step-by-step.
  • Silver and gold, step-by-step, the path unfolds.
  • We can go step-by-step through regionals and sectionals, All the way to nationals, building our routines.
  • They are essential in the step-by-step process of spreading the European vision, principles and requirements towards neighbouring third countries.
  • Given the number of sites which are likely to be contaminated, their identification requires a systematic step-by-step approach.
  • After a transitional period, the aim is to establish an area of free trade which should be achieved on a step-by-step basis.
  • The aim is the step-by-step liberalisation of trade between the EU and the partner regions or individual states.
  • Indeed, thanks to this step-by-step integration of Europe, considerable progress has been made, and no one can deny that.
  • The European Union should await the election results and respond towards Belarus accordingly, in line with a step-by-step policy.
  • It must motivate our partners to cooperate more closely with the Union and it must be dynamic and based on a structured, step-by-step approach.
  • We need to make step-by-step progress on many important files, and I refer in particular to the traffic and transport sector, which Mr Jarzembowski has already mentioned.
  • This too is possible in the Western Balkans, as is the step-by-step introduction of the change in visa policy, which Baroness Ludford has previously mentioned.
  • Member States are progressively learning how to cooperate with one another, but we need to go step-by-step.
  • In addition, there will be a gradual, step-by-step reduction in order to achieve a long-term target of 147 grams per kilometre by 2020.
  • These conclusions are hardly surprising, but they are not very helpful as a step-by-step solution to the backlog of problems in the European Union.
  • We have decided - I speak for my group in committee and here in Parliament - to approve and support this compromise, because the way to construct Europe is to advance step-by-step.
  • I agree with Mr Bontempi that this is about a step-by-step process, a process in which we deepen the specific cooperation, and at the same time work to coordinate our rules.


  • gradually
  • one step at a time
  • in a systematic way
  • methodically
  • sequentially


This phrase is correct, but it is more technical and often used in the context of statistical analysis or computer programming.

Use 'stepwise' when discussing statistical procedures or computer algorithms that proceed one step at a time.
  • Dose escalation should continue in a stepwise manner until adequate analgesia is achieved.
  • The importance of local level action and a stepwise approach
  • Complete the framework for the stepwise establishment of
  • The stepwise tightening of emissions from road vehicles must be accompanied by parallel steps in the non-road sector as proposed by the Commission.
  • However, single day-ahead and intraday coupling should only be implemented stepwise, as the regulatory framework for electricity trade and the physical structure of the transmission grid are characterised by significant differences between Member States and regions.
  • The 7 th amendment to the Cosmetic Directive aims at stepwise removing animal testing from the Cosmetic sector.
  • This calls for a stepwise approach in all transport modes, taking into account their particular characteristics.
  • Concerning the registers, both Parliament and the Council agree on a stepwise approach.
  • To determine the environmental impact of additives, a stepwise approach shall be followed.
  • For the determination of this impact a stepwise approach should be followed based on a first and second phase of studies.
  • In the light of her long practical experience of street work among drug users, your rapporteur is convinced of the advantages of a stepwise approach.
  • Concerning the registers, both Parliament and Council agree on a stepwise approach but propose different timetables, the Council effectively delaying implementation.
  • The numbered licensing rounds are designed with a view towards areas where there is limited geological knowledge, and where stepwise exploration is expedient.
  • The European Council considered a stepwise approach should be followed, building on the Copenhagen Accord, which should be swiftly implemented.
  • For new substances it is the recommended a stepwise testing approach for developing scientifically sound data on the corrosivity/irritation of the substance.
  • We were actually the first this spring, in February/March, to come forward with the idea of pursuing a stepwise approach in order to build on the Copenhagen Accord and secure the momentum now continuing in Cancún.
  • The use of a different testing strategy or procedure, or a decision not to use a stepwise testing approach, should be justified.
  • The period of issue of this model overlaps with the issue of model UK4 due to a stepwise introduction of the new model.
  • Thereafter, the dose may be increased stepwise up to a maximum of 3600 mg each day and your doctor will tell you to take this in 3 divided doses, i. e. once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening.
  • This model shall be accompanied by an impact analysis of the internalisation of external costs for all modes of transport and a strategy for a stepwise implementation of the model for all modes of transport.


  • incremental
  • gradual
  • sequential
  • procedural
  • systematic

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