Which is correct:
"state-funded" or "state funded"?

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This is the correct form and is commonly used in English.

The hyphenated form "state-funded" is used to describe something that is funded by the state. It is a compound adjective that connects the two words.


  • The university receives state-funded grants for research.
  • The state-funded healthcare program provides coverage for low-income families.
  • The museum is a state-funded institution.
  • State-funded projects aim to improve infrastructure in rural areas.
  • The organization relies on state-funded subsidies to operate.


  • government-funded
  • publicly funded
  • state-supported
  • state-financed
  • state-backed

state funded

This is also correct, but less common in English.

While less common, the unhyphenated form "state funded" can also be used to describe something that is funded by the state. It is a valid construction, but the hyphenated form is more prevalent.


  • The project is state funded.
  • The organization relies on state funded grants.
  • State funded programs aim to improve education.
  • The university receives state funded support for its initiatives.
  • The research was state funded.


  • government funded
  • publicly funded
  • state supported
  • state financed
  • state backed
Both "state-funded" and "state funded" are correct, but the hyphenated form "state-funded" is more commonly used in English. The hyphen is used to connect the two words and create a compound adjective, which is a common practice in English.

Last updated: March 22, 2024

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